Procyvid Flight



This unit is comprised of twenty to one hundred members. This does not include any supplimentary forces gathered to assist them.


The equpment for this unit is a simple basket which is carried by a pair of procyvid. This basket is crafted from woven reeds and leather, reinforced by a willow frame.


The wield their natural weapons of claws and sharp beaks with exceptional skill. They are capable of using spears and stones to great effect and devestation.


This unit has no real command structure. They relay information silently back and forth throughout the unit. This makes them almost a hive mind.


Attacks from the air are their primary tactics through divebombing, raking runs, hit and run (see fly by attacks), and dropping things on the enemy. They are also adept at relieving their enemies of tools and weapons. With their special communication capabilities they are capable of coordinating attacks on multiple fronts and are incapable of being surprised.


They like to run raids on supply trains and caches. They are capable of delivering people from one place to another through the use of a specialized carrying basket woven from reeds or crafted from leather.


Their greatest advantage is that they look like animals and are often discounted until it is too late to respond to their attack.


There is no special training required for this unit.



This unit is mostly self-sufficient, not needing anything other than medical response when members of the unit are injured.


There is no recruitment, it is all voluntary. The only thing neccesary to join the unit is to acknowledge the person to whom they will be protecting.


To date there have been no battles but they have been used in a support role for Eldrick when he needed something for his Journeyman testing and didn't have it on him.

Historical loyalties

This unit is loyal to Eldrick after he acknowledged them in a friendly manner after the death of his Master, Sergei. There is currently only one unit in Corrigenda.

Ochtlá 18th of Gealachdeartháir 1201 OTO
Overall training Level
Head and beak of a Raven
by Loggawiggler


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Jul 26, 2024 22:37 by Mar Qaroll


Aug 12, 2024 14:12 by Marjorie Ariel

I think it's really interesting that their equipment included a basket, but I wasn't entirely sure what the basket was for.