Rite of breeding

"I am liking that stallion you have Derrik. I would be willing to help you clear more land for your fields in exchange for his stud services."   "What?!? You don't want any payment other than to breed with him?"   "Well, he has fine lines and a great personality. Why wouldn't I?"   "Uh, well he is just my plow horse. Wouldn't a filly such as yourself be interested in something better? I mean I can arrange for you to be studded by the stallion next door."   "That brute? He is so uncouth and tempermental I wouldn't touch him with a thirty foot pole. No your stallion would do me just fine."   "Suit yourself, Pirrouette. We have a deal."
— Negotiations for the Rite of Breeding between Pirrouette the Centaur and Derrik of Herigmark
  Throughout history, it is believed by the humans that centaurs were the offspring of a man and a horse. This is not true in all cultures. Shay and Craglim Reach hold to these beliefs. Whenever a centaur enters these lands they have to be very careful not to draw attention to themselves, as the people of these lands will try to hunt them down and kill them as being an abomination. Thormalk and the Kingdom of Herigmark do not hold to these opinions. In fact, in Thormalk the Rite of Breeding is guaranteed for the mare, without the need to discuss it with any of the locals, for the local equines. The Rite of Breeding for the stallion, however, is a very rigorously negotiated ordeal.


The Rite of Breeding goes back to the time of the end of the Unending War, when the centaurs were very nearly extinct. This was done to extend the genetic pool outside of the Fae. With their ability to converse with all equines the studs are usually eager but the centaurs understand that to the Human the animal in question is considered property and thus there is usually a fee required for stud purposes.   Before a centaur approaches the "owner" they have already discussed the prospect with the target of their desires. Though this practice is applicable to all genders of the centaurs it is usually the mares who take the most advantage of it. There have been Stallions who have taken a liking to human women and will request the Rite of Breeding with them in exchange for their labour.


When the terms are agreed upon the mare or lady who is to be studded has "intimate" relations with the stallion in question.  This will continue until the mare/lady is guaranteed to be with child.


These ceremonies are considered a private affair between the participants
Related Ethnicities
  There have been a number of times throughout history where the Rite of Breeding has been agreed upon and then reneged. This has caused the offended to dismiss the offender and never return while also informing the other centaurs of their actions. When it has been a mare who has been offended the stallion will usually follow her away from its owner never to return.


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Dec 19, 2020 22:58 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Really interesting. I like that it's a way to extend bloodlines outside the fae.