Osonat Species in Corrum Galaxia | World Anvil
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Osonat (Oh-so-nat)

Basic Information


Osonat are large humanoids covered in coarse, medium length fur from head to toe. Thier torsos are stocky and muscular, and they have a pair of arms and a pair of legs that are roughly similar, with the hind legs being slightly longer and more muscled, while the paws of the front legs had more agile fingers. Boths hands and feet had 5 digits. Osonat are able to and comfortable with walking on both their hind legs and all fours.   Osonat have large rounded heads with triangluar snouts. They also have a pair of rounded ears at the top of their heads.

Growth Rate & Stages

Osonat have an average lifespan of 4 Local Years (229-230 Typical Years).  

Stages of Development

Ages listed in Typical Years
  1. Baby: 0-2
  2. Child: 3-27
  3. Teen: 28-60
  4. Adult: 61-210
  5. Elderly: 211+

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Osonat had incredible senses of smell and sight from their history as a predatory apex species.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Nod and Osonat have a peaceful but distant relationship.
Scientific Name
Osonat Osonat (University of Agi Saffkrix Classification System)
4 Local Years (229-230 Typical Years)
Conservation Status
Widespread (Multiple planets)
Average Height
  • 5'9-5'11 (On all fours)
  • 7'4-7'6 (On hind legs)
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution


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