Pygen M77 Item in Corrum Galaxia | World Anvil
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Pygen M77 (Pie-gen)

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The M77 was chambered in 8.8x60mm, and came with a 30-round magazine. It had a two stage trigger, the first, lighter pull would allow for semi-automatic fire, while a stronger pull will change the rifle to fully automatic firing.   The M77 had multiple versions:  
M77 with vertical foregrip   The standard M77 had top and bottom rails for aftermarket parts.  
M77GL   The M77GL, or Grenade Launcher, is fitted with an integral GL84. The bottom rail and handguard have been reinforced to compensate for the added recoil.


The M77 was introduced in 2877 by the Pygen Company to replace the M81/80 Assault Rifle. It's modular nature, accuracy and durability allowed it to easily become the standard issue weapon across the UNFN, as well as for the System Protection Company.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Creation Date
2877 BFP
Uncommon (Nodum System), Very Rare (Corrum Galaxy)
Base Price


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