Altus the Drowned

A familiar born from the Ifrit god of shipwrecks and salvage. Altus takes the form of a hunting dog made from driftwood and scrap metal and his totem is a broken ship wheel. Altus was given to the Corsair, Royce, upon his admission to the Lunar Brigade. He is adept at finding treasure underwater and can knock enemies over with his howl of the depths.  
Skills Unarmed 1d6 Dodge 1d6 Track 1d8 Swim 1d6   Traits Toughness: 5 Pace: 6 (8 underwater) Damage (unarmed) 2d6   Miracles   Howl of the Depths- When Altus makes an unarmed attack he may instead howl in a 3" cone. He rolls damage normally, but rather than dealing damage he knocks enemies prone on a success and back on a raise.   Undersea Tracker- Altus can pick up scents on the water and walk on the sea floor at will. With a successful track test he can retrieve anyone stranded at sea or shipwrecked within one-day's sailing distance. He can also retrieve treasure on the sea floor that a lookout spots.


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