
Andur is a Kingdom of emirate city states built atop asteroids on the Rim. Sitting in contraorbit to the rest of the spheres during the Grand Trine, Andur is remote and almost impossible to reach for most inhabitants of the system. Fabulously wealthy in thanks to its rich supply of minerals and gems, some caravans make the long trek through the Rim to engage in trade--a journey that can sometimes take generations there and back.   Anduran society is highly stratified by caste and slave ownership is commonplace among society's upper crust. However, even slaves can own property or engage in their own business ventures. Noble titles and caste rank are not inherited in Andur, but purchased instead. So, the children of wealthy emirs or sultans must buy into their family titles and lands when their parents pass on.   Andur is also known for growing powerful mutagenic fruits called the Millenium Fruits that grant the eater immense powers. However, the price for such delicacies is exorbitant, often requiring a lifetime of servitude. While never exported directly, Andur does sell products derived from the fruit, such as millenium wine, powerful beverages popular among Io's elite for improving the drinker's abilities or granting them new ones.


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