Anh's Shield

A massive stone shield wrapped in cloth and fastened with leather straps. Anh carried it on his back behind his massive shell and used it to block the many blows sent his way in battle. It was so heavy that he always needed to dedicate a portion of his strength to carry it. Whether the shield's utility in battle was the only reason he chose to carry such a burden is a mystery Anh took with him to the grave.   After Anh's death, Mara took the shield into the Nomad's shrine and conducted a ritual to send the animistic spirit residing inside it to the Deep where Anh's sould likely resides. Perhaps he has found some use for it there.  
Effect: As a full round action, the user can use the shield to make a shield bash attack using his Block skill, which deals Strength + 1d12 damage and has a knock back/knock prone effect. As a standard action, the user can go into full defense to take cover behind the shield. When in cover, the user cannot be attacked by any attacks from the cardinal direction that the shield is facing. However, the user is defenseless against attacks from the side or the back for that turn. As a standard action, the user may plant the shield on any adjacent square. The shield can be planted horizontally to create a 2"x 1" (inches refer to one space on the board) barricade that provides medium cover. If it is planted vertically, it creates 1" of heavy cover. When the shield is planted, the user gains +1 to strength and +1" to pace.


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