
Jimmy is a Fulgur Eel who serves as a deckhand aboard the Nomad. He was originally the pet of the Koan Engineer, Cid Graysmog, when he was kidnapped by the Blue Frogs and held prisoner at their headquarters in the sunken Ziggurat lofts. The Party rescued Cid while infiltrating the Blue Frog Headquarters. While they were sympathetic to his plight and spared his life, that didn't stop them from raiding his offices for useful items including his precious Eel.   The Party used Jimmy to power a series of automata inside the base that they stacked inside one another like a matryoshka nesting doll. They had to leave his largest incarnation behind when they encountered a set of stairs, but he rejoined the frey when the headquarters were destroyed and the Party fought the Blue Frogs' submarine, the Sea Snake, in the wreckage. After the battle, the Party kept Jimmy along with another fulgur eel they found and named Bette Wiggler, inside the Nomad's aquarium.  
Swim 1d10
*Charge 1d8
Unarmed 1d8
Dodge 1d6

Traits & Edges
Pace 6”
Toughness 3
Electric Current Damage 2d8 electricity
Electric Current Loading Value: 10
Electric Current Radius 2”

*Electric Current. When Loading Value is full, deals electricity damage to surrounding targets.


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