Jin City

Jin City is the de facto capitol of the planet Mong Bal. Its most notable feature is the Great Basin, a nectar well the size of a small ocean that supplies the planet with nectar. The Great Basin was built by Jin the Magnificent after he conquered Source in an effort to allow the Mong Bal people more immediate access to nectar and eliminate their need to rely on foreign spheres to obtain it.   However, due to the more primitive storage methods than the ancient machines on Source, the nectar in the Great Basin destabilized over the centuries into a flammable and radioactive state. The construction of the Great Basin is attributed to the ecological collapse and desertification of Mong Bal, though many of the warlords who still use the basin would deny this (assuming they even admitted the deserts exists at all).   Jin City's proximity to the Great Basin makes it the frequent cite of hazes, weather events unique to Mong Bal when areas flood with a golden radioactive haze. Most houses and buildings come have steel haze shutters, allowing entire districts of the city to shut down at the drop of a jade chit when a haze overtakes them. Hazes make travel through the city largely impossible, though sometimes residents will don haze suits to conduct necessary or illicit business during hazes. More wealthy families can also use Veiled slaves to conduct business during hazes, as they are immune to their radioactive effects.   Jin City eschews the single-warlord governance of most walled cities. Instead, a council selected by warlords from other cities called the Great Basin Council shares governance over the city. This makes Jin City the epicenter of inter-clan rivalries and politics, as it is one of the only areas where nobles and warlords from different cities congregate in one place.   Not all Mong Bal warlords are members of the Great Basin Council, but membership is a requirement for a city to obtain nectar from the Great Basin. "Rogue Warlords" who resist the council's rule must obtain their nectar on secondary markets from the Hanuman Brotherhood (with a substanital markup, of course) or, on occasion, obtain their nectar from the Chimera Alliance.


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