Kitsune Secret Scroll No. 6

An ancient scroll that holds the knowledge of Kitsune ancestors. The sixth scroll is said to possess knowledge regarding superior techniques that enhance the user’s movement.   Jaime acquired this scroll at some point in his travels away from the party.  
Effect: Allows the user to use a set of special abilities outlined in the scroll as part of their movement action. Once an ability is used, it cannot be used again until the scroll is “recharged” at a fox shrine.   Great Leap- A powerful jump that Kitsune use to scale large objects or cover distance quickly. It is said that masters of this technique could leap in and out of walled cities in a single bound! The user may jump up 20” of aerial spaces.   Wind Form- A meditative mantra that allows Kitsune to become partially incorporeal for a short time. Good for fleeing or getting a tactical position in battle. For a single turn, the user does not invoke attacks of opportunity while moving and can move through enemy-occupied squares.   Vanish- A technique to get out of trouble when sneaking fails. It was developed for spirit thieves in training who had not quite mastered the art of stealth. If the user is detected, he may disappear and move to any square within 6” of his current position.


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