Moku Statuary

The Moku statuary is a sacred ruin located in the northwest corner of Nimbus. While resembling a garden of statues, it is actually a grave where honored Moku are laid to rest. When a tribal leader or hero dies, their bodies are turned upright and placed in the Moku Statuary on a cloudy day. With luck, the sun soon peeks through while the Helioschosis bacteria still live inside the corpse and forever memorialize them into a statue.   People often visit the statuary to honor and learn about the dead. As Moku cultural norms are quite stagnant, their heroes have a longer shelf-life than those of most civilizations, whose heroes often are looked at under a new light with changing mores and regimes. The statuary is also home to a number of Nimbus's native flora and fauna, making it a valuable site for ecologists studying how helisochosis effects various species.  


  The Moku Statuary houses a number of native wildlife who can pose a danger to anyone without knowledge of their habits. The Party visited the statuary with several of Alyn Arkades' students to collect samples from the local wildlife. He also lent them an alchemical gauntlet that could pierce holes in clouds so they could study how the animals behaved in and out of sunlight.   Their outing was interrupted by a group of pirates from The Salamanders. Luckily, the Party was able to avoid a fight that might have endangered the students and upset the wildlife when Simon offered himself as a prisoner while pretending to be Alyn Arkades.  

Boulder Tortoise Dunes

The northern shore of the statuary houses boulder tortoises who like to rest atop large sand dunes, using their massive shells to quickly roll down to escape passing sunlight or bowl over predators.  

Gorgon Monitor Rocks

Anyone examining the rocks on the northern shore should exercise caution as they may find more tortoises. Vicious Gorgon monitor lizards like to lounge in the sunlight, curling into balls so they resemble ordinary rocks to those passing by.  

Gargoyle Pelican Nests

An island to the south houses tall palm trees with gargoyle pelican nests atop them. They hunt by swooping into the sun and divebombing unsuspecting predators.  

Stone Shark Schools

Stone Shark mothers often come to the shores of the statuaries to raise their pups. Travelling in school stone sharks on their own can pose a hazard to even fully-manned ships. They are especially aggressive when close to their young, who are often preyed upon by the nearby rocktopi.  

Sand Bars

A group of sand bars sit beside the main island whose structural integrity have been weakened by Rocktopus burrows. The rocktopi are vicious stranglers who often try to pick off Stone Shark pups who pass by, but are sometimes said to hide shiny objects in their burrows.


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