
A legendary Kitsune blade made out of shape-shifting metal. The blade was forge for an ancient Kitsune emperor named Jiro, and has been passed down to his descendants for thousands of years. It is said that the blade can take nine different forms.   Jaime acquired Nine from the body of his fallen family-member Kylia. Over time, he mastered its use, gaining the ability to not only change Nine's length, but also the shape of the blade and the enchantments placed upon it.
Effect: As a standard or free action, the user may change the form of Nine by altering its length, shape, and elemental charge. You can select one trait from each category to create a custom blade.   Length Dagger (1d4+Agility) A weapon designed for sneak attacks. Ignores opponents armor, but takes a -4 penalty to attacks made against aware opponents with a ready weapon. Short Sword (1d6+Strength). A multi-purpose weapon that does modest damage but can comfortably be wielded in one hand. Katana (1d10+Strength). A high damage weapon that can enemies 2” away, but requires two hands to wield.   Shape Saw Blade- A serrated edge good for weakening opponents with lots of vigor. Causes opponent to bleed on a raise. Heavy Edge- The sword forms dense material at its tip that can break an opponent’s armor. Causes opponent’s armor break on a raise. Hook Blade- A barb meant for catching enemy weapons. Disarm your opponent when you get a raise on a block roll.   Charge Wind- The blade’s edge creates razor gusts, making your attacks harder to dodge. Your opponent takes a -2 penalty to Dodge Tests against this weapon. Spark- The blade’s edge has an electromagnetic coat when at rest, causing it to attract other weapons. Gain a +1 bonus to block and parry tests against melee attacks made with metal weapons. Acid- The blade’s edge seeps with corrosive goo. Remove -1 armor from your opponent’s armor on a hit.


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