South Wind

The South Wind is one of the four tradwinds that blow across the spheres. His path is a desert sirroco that passes over the sands of Mong Bal and the Rim.   According to legend, when the spheres still glowed hot with magma, the Forger created the four tradewinds to cool them. In order to motivate them to work, he set up a race across the spheres, promising his favoritism and dominion over the skies to whoever won. Little did the Forger's children know, he had given all the winds the same speed. Their race continuein perpetual stalemate circulating the air across the spheres to accomplish the Forger's goal of cooling them. That race faced a momentary interruption when Alyn Arkades created an artificial cloud called the Cloudhead to provide shade to the Moku people and prevent the sun from turning them to stone. The Cloudhead just so happened to fall in the North Wind's path, and he found himself washed up on the shore as he slammed against the obstruction. At the request of local information brokers, the Party helped deliver him to Alyn's laboratory, the Weathervane, but not before his brother the South Wind intervened. The South Wind said he and his brothers would make life difficult for the Party if they helped their brother, but could provide great boons if they let him die. The Party decided to keep the balance of the skies in tact and save the North Wind. As thanks, he broke off a zephyr of himself to aid their crew.


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