
Xabron are a chicken-like race native to the Rim. Their short lives, high birth rates, and low cognitive function make most residents of the Rim view them as expendable. They are frequently sold as slaves to perform menial tasks, fill out ship crews as cannon fodder, or use as test subjects.   Only living three to four years, Xabron compensate for their lack of development by sharing limited genetic memory across generations. The result is that most Xabron can do a little of everything, but they generally do it poorly. They often struggle with long term memory, facial recognition, and object permanence, so it is best not to give a Xabron too complex an order.   Because remember names and ranks is generally too difficult a task for them, most Xabron will simply refer to every non-Xabron member of their crew as "captain." For some reason, many Xabron enjoy playing checkers and will frequently ask those around them to play. No one is sure how so many of them picked up the game, although there is speculation that someone taught it to them in an effort to cloud their gene pool with a useless skill and thus discourage the Xabron slave trade.   Like all forms of slavery, owning Xabron is illegal in the Chimera Alliance. However, some criminal organizations, pirate crews, and the White Lion Armada still use them anyway to fill out their ranks.


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