
The Xahir are a nomadic group of tribes native to the Rim. Ethnically, they are predominantly composed of Homyn with brown skin and blonde hair. However, Xahir welcome all races who wish to join their fold. Most Xahir flotillas slowly circumnavigate the Rim in generations-long pilgrimage. However, they maintain a permanent settlement in civilized space that serves as a capitol of sorts, called Ner Xahir.   The Xahir's nomadic nature make them excellent guides through the Rim, and they often serve as a vector of cultural exchange between the far-away kingdom of Andur and the rest of the spheres, which sit in contra-orbit to the sun. They are also known for having rich cultural traditions, particularly in the domains of storytelling and music. Their longstanding culture and proximity to the literal edge of the system make Xahir the keepers of many ancient secrets. Some Xahir tribes possess abilities that would seem magical to those of the inner-system, such as the Travelers who use music to heal rifts in time.   In modern times, the Xahir are most widely known for Nasser Graham --a member of one of their tribes who visited the inner system and led a successful rebellion against the Koan empire.


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