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11 - Serenity Point - "Of Legends and Champions"

When last we left our heroes... the group had begun their "small escort job" from the Adventurers' Guild into the lower city. The horrors of the lower city compounded when, after being spotted and attacked, the group dispatched a small band of "Fancy Men" who had aligned themselves to aid the starving citizens living in the lower city. Leaving a group of four survivors, the party reached the warehouse where they delivered the cargo to Captain Stormbreaker, a Human Female pirate lord, who immediately had her men tear apart the wagon and remove a crate from its center. The men began moving the cargo towards the docks, presumably toward Captain Stormbreaker's ship, "Lady Gale". A small amount of gold and knowledge of the panther was transferred, as well as some knowledge about Emmerie, an apparent member of Captain Stormbreaker's circle. Being urged to not stay in the city after dark, the group made their way back to the Lower Gate. Arriving at a scene of battle, the city guards were holding off a large group of citizens who had rushed the gate. Guard Captain Velkan pulled the party members inside the gate and began asking what had happened in the lower city. It is here we resume... "We've never seen it this bad; they have never openly attacked the gates. What happened down there?"  
Serenity Point
  Session Plot Points   The Lower Gate:
  • Guard Captain Velkan will question the party about their activities in the lower city
The Champions of Corsithia:  
  • The House Unarith - Countess Cerys of Deros and her champion, Aragwyn (finely dressed Female Eladrin in a beautiful, form-fit gown)
  • The House Onerias - Fazan Onerias of Vitall, representing himself (well-dressed Male High Elf)
  • Harbmoore House - Lady Shadala Harbmoore of Harreach and her champion, Bearclaw
  • Half Moon House - Lord Weylan Snow of Wur'fur and his champion, Thanihl Stoneheart
  • The Golden Dominion of Myre (Female Dragonborn Sorcerer)
  • Clan Formerian of Vitall (Male Dwarven Barbarian)
  • House Belonde of Deros (Female Elven Wizard)
  • House Aarinthu of Deros (Male Human Fighter)
  Preliminary Matches:   Arcane Match:
  • Warlock of the Great Old One (Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse, pg. 256)
  • vs.
  • Necromancer Wizard (Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse, pg. 264)
Melee Match:
  • Thanihl Stoneheart (DND Beyond - Goliath)
  • vs.
  • Bearclaw of Harreach (DND Beyond - Ursine)
  The Mucky Duck
  • Captain Stormbreaker will send the fisherman up to the Hall of Heroes
  • Red, just Red (drunken fisherman who hauled up the panther)
  • The panther is unlike anything they've ever seen
  • Panther is in a low-power state still on The Mucky Duck
  Local Quests, Rumors, and Tasks
  • Susie and Amir are in town, and have set up shop to town in 1 day (the day before the Coronation Games)
  • In 2 days, the Coronation Games will begin - both martial and arcane games
  • Inquisitions and anti-immigrants in the lower city.
  • Steel Predator will have been hauled in by a fishing vessel, seemingly unconscious (rumor overheard in a tavern by a very drunk sailor).
Guilds   Overall Plot Points:
  • When Taryn had her episode, she spoke in Celestial "Get me to the Cut, I need the fire and flame. Trust no one, use yourself, the power is within me."
  • Taryn is not the reincarnation of Crel, as her guardians had her believe.
  • There is a chance that Taryn will have an episode of trauma in a few days, will kill a lot of people at the Temple in Serenity Point, and go into hiding trying to escape the city.
  • Taryn will head to either the lower city or toward the docks to book passage to Deros.
  • The displacer beast has also been slowly following the trail of the party.
  • The steel predator (Session 1) escaped the ship and will be coming to shore around the same time as the party gets to Serenity Point. The predator has been hauled ashore (unconscious) into the lower city by a local fisherman, fishing far out west near the eastern edge of the Bay of Moons.
  • William will survive his beating and will hold a massive resentment against the party for the way they treated him when they arrived to Serenity Point; he will find a following in Serine for rebelling against the monarchy. He and his followers will call themselves "The Fancymen of Serine" and will be hodge-podgely clad in armor and weapons.
---------------------------   Lore Given to the PCs:   Ty:
  • Captain Stormbreaker gave hint that she has some sort of relationship with Emmorie.
  • Fishermen on the "Mucky Duck" apparently hauled the panther aboard a couple of days ago.
  • (Not seeded) The panther was unconscious but has since awakened. It is currently in a low-power state and cannot move. (0 HP)
  • (Not seeded) Emmorie can point the party toward the Thieves Guild, where bets can be made. Alternatively, bets can be made at the High Street Baker, which is a front for a gambling den run by Emmorie's associate, an extravagantly dressed male Tiefling, Mikko.
  • Papa (G-orge) was relieved and happy to hear that she was alive, doing well, and safe in the city.
  • Papa sent her notice that a sum of 6000 GP for visas will be released at the royal bank; the sum has not yet been retrieved.
  • Papa wants her to choose a champion for the games and gain influence with the queen.
  • Papa wants her to place a wager with the Thieves Guild for 500 GP.
  • (Not seeded) Upon wagering on her champion, she will be given the letter instructing her to begin relations with the queen; a diplomatic mission of sorts.
  • Papa warned her to steer clear of the Merchants and Free Merchants guilds, as they have been causing trouble at home.
  • Papa will be sending one of her brothers [NAME] to Deros/Ember to handle the rest of the family business.
  • Papa wants Ailonora to stay on task in Serenity Point.
  • (Not seeded) Papa has been working with the surviving Illithid and told them that he suspected that the steel predator was on the Cloud Dancer, which was headed to Deros.
  • (Not seeded) The Illithid have been guiding Papa through the technological boom in airship travel (essentially spelljamming), and require the matrix of the predator to power their ship in an attempt to escape the astral barrier.
  • (Not seeded) Papa did not know the hunters had a functional ship and would strike the ship from the Cloud Dancer, putting Ailonora's life in danger.
  • (Not seeded) Papa will ask Ailonora to begin laying the foundations of relations between the family and the queen.
  • (Not seeded) Papa has inclinations that the predator might be in Harreach and wants the queen's assistance to return it back to Vitall. Papa will have already dispatched a cargo ship to Serenity Point; it will arrive in 2 weeks.
  • Jordan met with Trade Master Gerak Amushar the Golden in person.
  • Gerak brought Jordan into the fold regarding the business with the cargo.
  • While unknown to Gerak, the details of the cargo box fascinate him.
  • Gerak told him that it was an experimental box that the company had been working on.
  • The cargo's final destination was going to be in Ember, wherein agents of the guild would transport the box from Deros to Ember for further processing.
  • (Not seeded) Unknown to Gerak, the guild has a working partnership with the Hunters, who have been hiding their ship in the caldera in Ember.
  • Gerak told Jordan that he fears that the Ferinor Family Patriarch, G-orge Ferrinor (Ailonora's father), has been dealing with devices, technologies, and people not of this world (Corsitihia - outside the astral barrier).
  • Gerak warned Jordan of the dangers of these astral creatures.
  • Gerak hypothesized that the Ferinors may be working with the Hunters (not seeded, but this information will ultimately prove to be false)
  • Gerak approves guild authorization for Jordan to procure visas for the group while they investigate the cargo; Gerak asks for half a season (20 days).
  • Jordan's room and board will be covered until the completion of his mission.
  • Jordan received a payment of 3,500 GP for his troubles and continued service.
  • Gerak warns that the new queen is seen as bad for business and her enforcement of the separation of the walled and lower cities may lead to a boil-over.
  • (Not seeded) News of the predator will spread quickly, and the Guild Master will arrive in Serenity Point 10 days after its discovery.


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