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18 - Welcome to Trigseer

When last we left our heroes... Ailonora made her way to Furi's potion shop. The absent-minded owner of the shop sold her a few items including a bag of holding, a crate of motion sickness potions, and a handful of healing potions. Exiting the shop, she finds Ammethi on his morning rounds around temple row. The sound of alarm bells soon begins ringing throughout the city as Ailonora urges Ammethi to gather Taryn with their things and to head to the docks. A daring and fool-hearty escape attempt ensues for those in the party who were in the guard captain's office. Ty and Ace were confronted outside the office by a shadowy figure from the Thieves' Guild, who bestowed upon each of them a guild coin (the coins are in their inventories). Hollis and Somi also manage to escape into the morning crowd, but before reaching the docks, they decide to go on a resupply. Hollis, doffing his helm, finds himself inside the Kingsman Armorsmith. Bargaining for a better shield, Hollis parts ways with the infamous Captain Lightfoot's Box. Somi makes her way to the Dragon Spire, the home and shop of the powerful enchanter who had previously enchanted her armor. She purchases Bands of Binding for the mundane price of a sum of gold. The two separately make their way back to the docks and meet up with the remaining group, who were already on board the Mucky Duck. Secretly, Ailonora slips away to feed her patron and takes the soul of a fisherman near the end of the docks. After a few tense hours, the ship and party leave port heading to Trigseer. The first night passes without incident, save for Ty attempting to put arcane energy into the Panther. Seemingly stricken with the panther's final thoughts, the group takes a long rest and decides to continue in the morning. The following morning, the group decides to pour arcane energies into the panther, bringing it back to the land of the living. A short battle ensues before the party is able to subdue the creature. The group manages to subdue the creature, and Ammethi attempted to speak with the dead. Gaining potentially valuable information about the panther, the group reawakens the pather, and Ty manages to put it to sleep. Secretly, Ailonora managed to drain its life essence just before Hollis crushed its crystalline form. The party leveled up to level 6, and It is here we resume... with the crumbling husk of the panther's body slowly falling apart on the deck of the ship.  
  Admin Notes:
  • Ty and Ace have their guild coins in their inventories
  • I have added to the inventories of those who did not already have them, and attuned to the Rings* of Telepathy (Ammethi does not have one)
  Session Plot Points
  • It is early morning now - around 10 or 11 AM on travel day 1 of 2.
  • The Mucky Duck will be intercepted at sea on the morning of the second day as it approaches Trigseer.
  • The group will be escorted to the southernmost pier of the Wardocks, where they will be questioned by the guards.
  • The group will (very likely) be allowed off the ship and brought to the General.
  • The General will give a rundown of what has been going on over the past month or so since the Cut happened.
  • The only inn in town is Rawry's Rest, but it's an odd place and additionally, none of the locals can afford it
  The Mucky Duck
  • Captain: Red(mond)
  • First Mate: Skod(mond) Runebrewer (foul-mouthed Dwarven male - privateer)
  • Crew (4x): Mabamond, Strovmond, Thaldmond, Kolgmond
  • Sea-worthy fishing vessel - Captain's "stateroom", shared with First Mate, Crew sleep in double bunks or outside pending weather
  • Passengers will be sleeping in hammocks down in the cargo hold (smells of fish)
  • The remains of the panther are now spread out across the deck of the ship
  Sea Journey:
  • Trigseer - 2000 GP, 2 days by boat + 24 hours of prep. for supplies (less dangerous - more direct to land)
  • Dormonnd - 6000 GP, 6 days by boat + 24 hours of prep. for supplies (more dangerous - closer south to Deros)
  • Deros - 10000 GP, 8 days by boat + 48 hours of prep. for supplies and weapons (deadly trip into the Sea of Ember)
  An Intervention at Sea:
  • Early in the morning approaching Trigseer, the crew will alert the group to a pair of vessels quickly approaching the Mucky Duck
  • One vessel will dock alongside the Mucky Duck; the other will remain in a patrolling circle around the ship
  • Both vessels will be heavily armored and formidable
  • Captain Red will explain that it has been a while since he last visited Trigseer, and this is a new occurrence
  • Red will suggest that the party should comply with the demands of the other vessels
  • Skalslag The Blue, formidable and heavily-armored Orc fighter, Captain of The Sea Hag, Commander of 18th Special Naval Support, and 4th Hand to General Casrezi
  Home Has a Price:
  • Somi experiences the emotions of returning home after years away
  • Somi will find her family home has been destroyed and her parents have been missing for about 3 weeks
  • Somi's family were strong warriors, volunteering to help man the garrisons and working at the camp. Her parents went out to scout the northern forests and to check for passage through the cut; they were expected to return two weeks ago but have not returned. The garrison considers them lost to the cause and after a week of searching, has decided that the increasing attacks on the city have warranted more personnel locally.
Local Items of Interest
  • The local population is plagued by near-constant attacks from strange, sporelike creatures from the north (once the site of the great battle of Trigseer).
  • The town is currently being run like a military occupational camp, governed by military law and under strict curfews.
  • The local garrison scouts have been reporting on strange, other-worldly sounds that have been coming from the location of The Cut
  • A small, scouting party of magma-like creatures coming out of The Cut will attack the same day/night that the party gets to Trigseer.
  • The smell of burning flesh, wood, and the toxic smoke from The Cut are pungent in the air.
  • Frequent "sandstorm-like" storms occur; those outside take 5d6 poison damage every "round" until they can get inside; face coverings will reduce the damage to 3d6 poison damage.


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