BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

2 - The Icewood

Session Recap:  
The party became acquainted with the captain (Captain Lightfoot) and the first mate (Master Rubble after a few uneventful nights, Katie ("Ace") snuck into the crew quarters and gambled, winning a small fortune from the crew. Cat (Ailonora) and Andrew (Jordan) enjoyed dinner with the captain. Alex (Ty) checked on the cargo and a preliminary search of the hold revealed nothing abnormal. Joe (Holis) divine sensed all night, and discovered the fiend (Shadow Dancer) in the hold. Holis initiated combat with the Dancer who seemed to disappear within the shadows of the hold. A bright blue-white searing light blew a hole in the starboard side of the hull and a masked, all-black figure appeared noting that "It is here". Another bright blue-white searing light cracked open the cargo box and black panther-like creature (Steel Predator) bolted for the hole, disappearing into the night with the humanoid. After a brief combat, Ty went down and was revived by Ailonora (healing word). The party made their way through the hole, escaping the burning ship. Battle raged on the main deck between the crew of the Cloud Dancer and the Hunters. Jordan, leading the group of parachuting adventurers, is currently leading the group toward the Ice Mountains of Harreach. Holis, heading up the rear of the group, looked back to see the Cloud Dancer plummeting from the sky, fire and sparks flying, and assessed that it was going to impact into the Ice Mountains. It is here that we adjourned for the evening.  
Hard Landing: Once on the ground, some players may have incurred injuries The players must decide what to do next, and where to go. Based on perception checks and survival checks, they may begin heading toward where they believe settlements are located on the map.
An Introduction: Shortly after landing and assessing injuries, a traveling cleric (New Alex) will arrive on scene.
What Next?: The party may choose to make their way back to the crashed ship to look for survivors.   Along the way, migrant alpine settlements of raiders/elves might be encountered in the Icewood.   The players may also want to search the ship for supplies, survivors, etc., but will likely land at least two days travel by foot from the crash site. Others will have seen the crash, and raiders might also be heading toward the site.


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