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26 - Sabratha of Elysium

When last we left our heroes... Fighting with the ASIST, a sentient security program aboard the Battleship Aegis, our group of heroes fought a long, tense battle. Edrann Diamdstar, seemingly awakening into a new time, questioning her commanding officer, Commander Alethswift, as to what was happening aboard the ship. Ingenious and masterful tactics saw the heroes emerge victorious, but not before activating the Omega Protocol, an automated, last-resort, self-destruct sequence, when Jordan blinked the Aegis staff into the Ethereal Plane. Falling unconscious, an ominous 30-second countdown began as Jordan returned, unconscious to the "Astral" plane next to Ailonora, the sole remaining compatriot. The rest of the group fled the 200-ft distance back to the teleportation circle, with Hollis, Ailonora, and Jordan arriving last, just seconds before the countdown reached 0. Hollis, chosen by consensus amongst the players, frantically entered runes (coordinates) into the circle. Thinking of home, the portal opened and the heroes jumped through, just as the heat and pressure of an imploding Astral Ship hit their backs. The group felt the pull of teleportation, and as they regained their vision, found themselves among the gently waving grasses with a cool spring breeze of a land familiar to some. It is here we resume... and I turn the day over to you. What would you like to do now?   Session Plot Points   Sabratha
Sabratha of Elysium
  Local Items of Interest
  • The local population is plagued by near-constant attacks from strange, sporelike creatures from the north (once the site of the great battle of Trigseer).
  • The town is currently being run like a military occupational camp, governed by military law and under strict curfews.
  • The local garrison scouts have been reporting on strange, other-worldly sounds that have been coming from the location of The Cut
  • The smell of burning flesh, wood, and the toxic smoke from The Cut are pungent in the air.
  • Frequent "sandstorm-like" storms occur; those outside take 5d6 poison damage every "round" until they can get inside; face coverings will reduce the damage to 3d6 poison damage.
  • The group could encounter Yamar while traveling
  • Yamar is older, tired, and very much less enthusiastic
  • Murdersuckle Tea - Smells amazing to everyone. Tastes great to those who have not murdered someone in cold blood. Tastes like rotten flesh to those who have. - Party Mayhem
  Ideas for other things
  • Patron Corp - A group of disgruntled warlocks who have stolen magical relics and created a "union" for providing warlock powers
  • Shattered Obelisk - An ancient relic surrounded by great magical powers
  • Incompetent Bandits - An impromptu ambush gets discovered while traveling overland
  • The Imposters - A group of "adventurers" who have been taking credit for all of the group's accomplishments


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