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31 - The Underdark Decision

When last we left our heroes...   A mysterious voice, projected out across the cold, inky blackness, instructed the group to circle up, offering a peaceful meeting of sorts. A small, but well-fitted ship approached the shore, and the group was welcomed aboard. Greeted by a small Goblin, heavily tattooed and well-adorned with jewelry, the group became acquainted with Captain Bobbles of the Sinking Goblin VI. A short history lesson from Bobbles' assistant, a mysterious and powerful Drow mage, Ani, led the group to get off the ship. While the group debated on their next steps, talking Hollis down from a self-sacrifice, the group settled in for a night of rest in a small, protective hut (Tiny Hut from Ty..?)   It is here we resume... and I turn the day over to you. What would you like to do?     Session Plot Points There are two ways to resolve the issue of being stuck in the Underdark
  • - The party must traverse the island and discover the matching obelisk deep inside the dragon (very deadly)
  • - The party must discover the city of Ched Nasad, which will have a teleportation method of getting the party back to a locality of choice.
  • - The captain of the ship is Captain Bobbles (small, wirey, goblin male pirate) who has a "symbiotic" relationship with Ra'an
  • - The captain has a powerful mage by his side (Ani - Anithren Lillinol, small, thin, powerful, Drow female sorceress) who will use psychic whispers, extended through a telescope, to communicate with the elves of the group only
    Loot: (Currently residing in Ailonora's Bag of Holding)
  1. A crew manifest, listing Captain James Refaire, 57 years old, First Mate Henry Francois, 41 years old, Chief Engineer Timmothy Smalls, 48 years old, Mate Theresa Masgon, 26 years old, Mate Jon Dufraine, 34 years old, Engineer Cameron Hall, 23 years old
  2. A passenger manifest, listing Chief Scientist Dr. Mary Watters, 58 years old, Scientist Dr. Michelle Black, 46 years old, Cartographer Ms. Andrea Kalinova, 34 years old, Cartographer's Mate Mr. Grigory Stapanov, 32 years old
  3. Papers bearing the mark of a seal (Explorer's Guild Branch of Ched Nasad) with a charter outlining the mission of the (now-missing) crew to map the Black Sea (Underdark) and if possible, to discover the source of the recent, strange phenomena surrounding Skull Island. A 20+ Investigation will identify some indented markings on the charter that resemble a map, though not many features will be legible.
  4. One of the papers will have a preservation spell cast upon it to protect it as long as it is not disturbed. On the paper will be a hastily written note (in Elvish) that reads, "Ship grounded. Crew searched small island. Not returned. Food gone. Must get back to Ched Nasad (Drow city, 2-day sail from Skull Island). Dr. Black"
  5. Diagrams detailing ethereal lanterns which claim that the lanterns provide 60 feet of dim light while seemingly not attracting the ghosts, ghouls, and wraiths "like normal torchlight does". Searching the cargo hold will reveal one such lantern that, if unmended (Arcana 20+ or the Mending Spell), will only provide 30 feet of dim ethereal light. A container of "fuel" for the lantern will be co-located that can be identified to provide 6 "charges"; each "charge" will fuel the lantern for approximately one hour.
  6. Two Ethereum scroll cases. Investigating the scroll cases will reveal that markings in Elvish identify the scrolls as "Water Breathing" and "Elemental Resistance", while unopened, the scrolls inside are nearly impervious to "regular" damage. Once opened, there is a chance that the scrolls will become damaged if wet, exposed to fire, or are otherwise "endangered". Each of the scrolls will affect up to 4 willing creatures.
  7. Tales of a terrible sea creature called "Ra'an" that patrols the inky-black waters of the Underdark. The tales will also recount how the exploration boat was attacked as it approached Skull Island. The crew was wary of approaching the island, but the explorers wanted to get better readings on the strange and analogous arcane properties on and near the island.
    Skull Island
  • Partially explored, the island was revealed to be in the shape of a giant dragon (the skeleton is partially buried and overgrown)
  • The mouth of the dragon appears to move, ever so slightly and rhythmically (breath walking into the mouth of the skull incurs a 1d10 cold damage occasionally as the ancient, giant, bone dragon sleeps.
  • When first approached, one hoard of skeletons attacked the party as the teeth of the skull fell out and skeleton warriors hoarded the party. Two bone-dragon wyrmlings also took flight to attack the party.
  • The bone warriors appear to have fled, and there is no sight of them currently.
  • The island is essentially the body of a giant, ancient bone dragon. At the center of the dragon's body (underground), is an obelisk, similar to the one on the beaches of Sabratha. The obelisk is both a power source for and a focus of a devout band of acolytes to Hadar. At the command of the wizard acolyte is a Nightstalker, the Deathlock/Skull Lord, and his pack of Hellhounds, and hoards of wraiths, ghouls, and skeletons. The wizard will be found to be in the middle of sacrificing souls transported to the Underdark to feed to Hadar, whom the wizard seeks to return from the Far Realm. If interrupted, the wizard can and will throw "zombified", innocent victims to attack the party.
    Option 1: The Red Temple
  • Inverted pyramid with a seemingly bottomless pit at the center of the dragon (uneventful to get down it)
  • Once down, opens into a vast cavern
  • A great temple is at the back of the cavern, guarded by a sphinx (chained to the ground against its will, but willing to help the party)
  • The sphinx will weakly attack the party if they try to push past him
  • The sphinx will tell the party about the great red wizard inside who is calling Hadar to the realm (will tell of his defeat)
  • The sphinx will mention the obelisk and insist that freeing it would free him and he will volunteer as a powerful ally to the group
  • The sphinx, if convinced that the party means to do good, will offer a 3-riddle test to the party which will grant them a powerful magic item (The Hitchhikers Guide)
  The Sphinx's Riddles
  • If the party chooses to partake in the Sphinx's challenge, they will all be transported to a place between realms, trapped with only one way of escaping - completing the riddles. The only warning the Sphinx will give is that each of the party must look deep inside to complete the test. A WIS 20+ will grant that person the knowledge that they are trapped in a mental realm, but are physically still in the lair of the Sphinx.
  1. Riddle: I am passed from father to son, and shared between brothers. My importance is unquestioned, though I am used more by others. What am I?
  2. A: A Name
  3. Riddle: I am built between friends, broken easily, but foundational to survival. What am I?
  4. A: Trust
  5. Riddle: Kept, I never age; shared, I am gone forever. What am I?
  6. A:  A Secret
  7. Riddle: You saw me where I never was and where I could not be. And yet within that very place, my face you often see. What am I?
  8. A: Your Reflection
  9. Riddle: Young men may think they lose beauty as they get older, but wise men know that true beauty lies here. A: In the eye of the beholder.
  10. * A correct answer will trigger an encounter with an undefeatable, legendary Beholder. The party must figure out to use the 5 riddle answers and admit each of their darkest secret to their reflection into the eye of the Beholder, or to each other. The test will not be complete unless all of the party complete it.
    Option 2: Parlay with Bobbles
  • Ani will reach out again, offering a Parlay with the Party
  • Ani will offer understanding regarding the meal choice offered to the Party last encounter; Ani will apologize on behalf of Bobbles, and guarantee safe passage to Ched Nasad
  Ched Nasad: The Light of the Underdark
  • Magical Lights to keep the Undead at bay
  • There will be passage back to the Material Plane, but it will come at great cost, or through favors to Portals Guild


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