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33 - Exploring Ched Nasad

When last we left our heroes...     After witnessing an early morning bar fight, the group begins to get a feel for the land from a friendly female Giant, Gizseus. Explaining how some of the mechanics and factions of the city work, the group departs with a plan of scoping out the War College, the Archives, the Castle, and eventually making their way to the Unicorn and Axe. Jordan haggled with the inn keeper, a female Human, Mary, to secure four rooms for five nights at a price of 90 Elysian Credits. A brief discussion of a plan was had, and the group decided to split up, tasking Ace, Hollis, and Somi to scope out the War College and Archives, sending Ammethi and Ty to the Black Flame Temple, and sending Ailonora and Jordan to find more suitable clothing and eventually north of the wall to the Northgate Market. It is around mid-day on the first day of being in the city.     It is here we resume... and I turn things over to you. What would you like to do?    
City of Ched Nasad
    Session Plot Points
  • The party have chosen to glean information around the city with the goal of heading back to the island
  • The party is searching for Sphinx-related books that might help them on the island
  • The party currently does not have a way to get back to the island (~2 weeks sailing)
  • The party has tossed around the idea of petitioning the Black Flame Princess
  Major City Points
  • Ailonora, Ammethi, Hollis, and Ty's divine powers and gifts do not work within the walls of the city; Jordan's innate magic still works
  • The Black Flame Temple (Aether, Goddess of Light, Order of the Arcane) has dampened all divine powers
  • The Lamp Lighters' Guild (controlled by the Temple) has a monopoly on other-than-divine arcane powers
  • The city is run in a state of Marshal-law; city guards wear full plate with a helm, traveling in pairs
  • Guard Captains (those who have proven their loyalty to Aether) have been given warlock-esque powers and travel without a helm, revealing their heavily charred and burned faces
  City Economy
  • Jordan has figured out that the city runs on a barter-type system
  • Prices will vary from vendor to vendor
  • Elysian Credits: 1 = 20 GP (2 PT 1 PT = 10 GP; 1 GP = 10 SP; 1 SP = 10 CP
  • Gemstones: Pearls, Diamonds, Rubies (based on size and quality)
  • Metals: Platinum, Gold, Silver, Copper: 1 PT = 10 GP; 1 GP = 10 SP; 1 SP = 10 CP
  • Goods and Services: Varied (based on quality and innate properties)
  • Arcane Items (Northgate Market Only): Varied, but usually exceptionally expensive
The War College on Rock Hill (with Archives)
  • Ace, Hollis, Somi
  • Searching for Sphinx-related information
  • Getting more information about the militaristic society
  The Black Flame Temple
  • Ammethi, Ty
  • Exploring the religious suppression
  • Petition to Aether
  Northgate Market (oustide the north wall)
  • Ailonora, Jordan
  • Selling magic-tech items
  • Getting forbidden information about the city
  • Ailonora, Jordan
  • New clothing to fit in better (Ailonora and Jordan are the closest to being dressed to fit in, but are lacking a bit)
  • Very fine clothing


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