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35 - The Battle for Northgate Market

When last we left our heroes...     Split by conflicting priorities, the group eventually made their way out of the north gates of Ched Nasad and find themselves in the darkness north of the wall. A barren landscape stretches out in front of them, only broken up by the faintest of glows on the horizon. Venturing closer, the first half of the group found themselves at an impass deciding what to do. Eventually the rest of the group caught up, and together, they headed into the bustling northgate market, but not before witnessing a small group carrying a very large, strange object into the darkness. A friendly Drow outside the gates offered Somi a chance to fight in the pits, and the group was instructed to don masks before entering the market, presumably to obfuscate any knowledge of the identities of those around them. Splitting up to find various items, and coming up somewhat successfully...     It is here we resume... and I turn things over to you. What would you like to do?  
City of Ched Nasad
    Session Plot Points
  • The group the party encountered outside the walls was carrying an obelisk (group will initiate combat)
  • Market lights will flicker, cluing the group into something afoot (Perception DC 15)
      Major City Points Ammethi, Hollis, and Ty's divine powers and gifts do not work within the walls of the city; Jordan's innate magic still works; Ailonora's divine magic still works; The Black Flame Temple (Aether, Goddess of Light, Order of the Arcane) has dampened all divine powers The Lamp Lighters' Guild (controlled by the Temple) has a monopoly on other-than-divine arcane powers The city is run in a state of Marshal-law; city guards wear full plate with a helm, traveling in pairs Guard Captains (those who have proven their loyalty to Aether) have been given warlock-esque powers and travel without a helm, revealing their heavily charred and burned faces     Northgate Market (oustide the north wall) Ailonora, Jordan Selling magic-tech items Getting forbidden information about the city (Cerys Compendium Vol. 1 available for purchase)  
Northgate Market


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