BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

39 - The Gift

When last we left our heroes... The decision to head to the Black Port was made. Finding the journey uneventful, and availing themselves of caution, the group decided to rest before venturing forward. A long rest was followed by a closer inspection of the "port", revealing it to be a well-used runic circle, set up as a one-way teleportation station. Deciding to delve deeper, the group passed through the barrier, and found themselves deep within Dragon Island in a dimly lit cavern. Opting to forego violence immediately, the group encountered some trapped souls, seemingly trapped in some far-off realm. A quick investigation and a thorough conversation, led the group to discover that the souls had been trapped inside one of Sav'inika's puzzle realms. Continuing through a series of locked doors, the group discovered the Skull Lord, silently watching, waiting for the command from his master to make an attack. Again staving off the urge for violence, the group cautiously pressed forward, finding themselves face-to-face with the Sphinx, Sav'inika. Accepting an invitation to partake in her riddles, the group answered a series of riddles, giving them a clue as to what was next. After being mentally transported to an ethereal realm, the group discovered that to escape, they must reveal a secret about themselves to escape. Now finding themselves surround by the skeletons of the previous, fallen adventurers, Sav'inika offers her congratulations. It is here we resume... and I turn things over to you. What would you like to do?   Session Plot Points
  • Sav'inika will offer the group a gift
  • The group must decide what it wants most
  • Sav'inika will be freed after bestowing the gifts to the party (she has been imprisoned by Maars)
  • She will appear in humanoid form, beautiful, but tired and chained to the portal
  The Star   The Opportunity
  • The group will be given the chance to go anywhere they like via the teleportation sphere in the middle of the room
  • Once the group enters, and presumably accepts the ship, Sav'inika will use the last of her power to destroy the sphere
  The Black Veil
  • The group will be gifted the Astral Ship "The Black Veil"
  • They will be offered a brief history of the ship


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