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4 - Harbmoore Manor

Session Recap:
  • After a night spent on the Cloud Dancer, the party began making their way toward Harbmoore Manor. The first night spent on the east side of the mountain brought a dream of flying and a new perspective of the attack on the airship while dreaming to the party. Nearing the end of the second day of travel, a clearing was spotted, which Ty and Mary scouted out. A long, grueling battle ensued before the party overcame the group of wild elves and captured the elf captain and a guard. The captain's pet displacer beast was able to escape before being struck down. It is here we resume....
  Taryn's Story:
  • If the PCs ask, Taryn will tell her story. She will tell them that she doesn't remember how long she's been part of the Order of Crel; her mother (whom she doesn't know all that well) took her to the temple when she was a baby, and she has been an orphan of the temple ever since. She's now about 15 or 16 years old.
  • A few months ago, she discovered she had powers that she could not explain. It began simply as small bursts of energy that emanate from her hands. She has very quickly gotten stronger and has become less able to control her powers. Her guardians had been traveling with her to the various masters and scholars.
  • In Virtue, the high priest told her that it appeared that she was the reincarnation of Crel. He also told her that she would be able to get more answers in Deros, which is why she and Father Shannon and Mother Powel (who had basically been her adoptive parents since birth) were traveling to Deros.
  • Taryn's only goal at this point is to get to the grand temple in Deros to speak with the High Priest, a Father Marcalus, who will hopefully have answers for her. She does not know who this person is, other than from his name and title.
A Fear of Shadows:
  • The Shadar-kai Shadow Dancer was able to make it off the ship before it crashed, and having lost track of the Predator, has decided to begin stalking the PCs. The Shadar-kai is a master tracker, and has a telepathic connection to the hunters, which is how they were tracking the ship. The Shadar-kai has been hiding in the shadows, keeping about a 90-120 ft distance from the group.
  • The Shadar-kai may attempt to infiltrate the PCs camp during the night, if an opportunity presents itself.
  • While hiding in the shadows, the PCs must make a perception check of 20+ to sense the tracker.
  • Shadar-kai Shadow Dancer CR: 7

    Medium humanoid, any
    Armor Class: 15 (Studded Leather)
    Hit Points: 71 (13d8+13)
    Speed: 30 ft


    12 +1


    16 +3


    13 +1


    11 +0


    12 +1


    12 +1

    Saving Throws: Dex +6, Cha +4
    Skills: Stealth +6 Fey Ancestry. The shadar-kai has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put it to sleep.
    Damage Resistances: Necrotic
    Condition Immunities: Charmed, Exhaustion
    Senses: Darkvision: 60 ft. Passive Perception: 11
    Languages: Common +1
    Challenge Rating: 7


    Multiattack. The shadar-kai makes three Spiked Chain attacks. It can use Shadow Jump after one of these attacks. Spiked Chain. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or suffer one of the following effects (choose one or roll a d6):   1–2: Decay. The target takes 22 (4d10) necrotic damage. 3–4: Grapple. The target is grappled (escape DC 14) if it is a Medium or smaller creature. Until the grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the shadar-kai can’t grapple another target. 5–6: Topple. The target is knocked prone.   Bonus Actions Shadow Jump. The shadar-kai teleports, along with any equipment is it wearing or carrying, up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space it can see. Both the space it teleports from and the space it teleports to must be in dim light or darkness.

    Shadow Dancer Those who have fought shadow dancers describe the experience as similar to fighting a living darkness. Every dim alcove and darkened nook is a place the lithe and acrobatic shadow dancers can emerge from to ambush their prey. Using this tactic, they attack their enemies from all angles with a flurry of entangling chains that hold fast and corrupt the flesh. When their quarry is helpless, they dispatch it and then loot the corpse for trinkets, particularly anything colorful and lively to gaze at after they return to the gloom of the Shadowfell.
The Icewood:
  • The closer the PCs get to the coast, or to the north, the higher the chance of encountering an Ursine raiding party
Harbmoore Manor:
  • Known as The Manor locally, it would be better characterized as a self-sufficient hamlet.
  • Lady Shadala Harbmoore (NPC Book pg. 170 -- **MAKE A SHEET**) carries the entire Harbmoore family name and runs the family mining business, which is the Manor's main occupation.
  • The Manor is laid out around the main house, a well, and a tavern. A couple of small homes and a local sheriff's office complete the town. The Manor is surrounded by dense forest, though none of the town residents seem to have any fear of the wild elf population.
  • A good conversationalist might find that the town has a deal with the elves.
Harbmoore Manor


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