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44 - The Floating City

When last we left our heros...   A gentle sunrise fell upon the bow of the Black Veil, your Astral Ship, gently floating, moored in the Sky Docks at Lily and Sprocket's Shipyard in Elysium. Prepping to set sail, a voice inside Jordan's head announced herself as Ruxxis, leader of the group of hirees from the Conservatory. Asking to come aboard, Ruxxis introduced her group to the crew, and set them to the task of getting settled. Meanwhile, Ammethi attempted to scry on Somi's master, Master Gerak. Finding a sobering sight, Gerak, huddled in the corner of a crumbling stone building, freezing, emaciated, and frail, Somi finds herself worried about the state of her master. Using the ship's onboard "AI", Prateori assesses that Gerak is likely on one of the floating islands to the north, exerting a significant amount of energy. Foregoing an odd sight of two ships departing from the palace, the group made haste towards the north, following the map that Ammethi had gotten from Taryn. Encountering a patch of dense fog, the group was able to ward themselves away from potentially being taken by strange sirens coming from the fog, but not before Ailonora, Odysius, and Somi succumb to the calls. Ammethi, acting quickly, saves the trio from plunging off side of the ship and into unknown. Discovering a feature of the ship, captain Jordan calls Praetori to action, and the group feels the ship seem to come to life. Barreling ahead and emerging from the fog, the group is faced with an arcane cannon, unknown and unseen by Taryn, seeming to be protecting something in the area. The group managed to navigate away from the threat, keeping the ship from sustaining any real damage, and arriving at the edge of a massing, floating island. The bitter, icy cold wind and snow batter you as Ailonora gently touches the ship down to the surface.\   It is here we resume, and I turn the evening over to you...     Major Plot Points:
  • Crews want to be paid in GP (better trade on other planes)
  • All other city services to be paid in Elysian Credits (EC)
  • 1 EC = 20 GP = 2 PP
  • Emperor Xermos' war against Hadar has had unintended consequences - innocent worlds being destroyed
  • There is a rising resistance to the long-lived Emperor
  • Taryn has taken pity on the people and has found herself "leading" the resistance
    Party Inventory:
  • Ailonora - 16,307 GP
  • Ammethi - 228 GP
  • Ace - 862 GP, 100 PP
  • Hollis - 54 GP, 99 PP
  • Jordan - 1,043 GP, 108 PP
  • Somi - 1,680 GP
  • Ty - 563 GP, 100 PP
    Session Plot Points:
  • Exploration of the El'tun (Ell-toon)
  • El'tun Cannon Complex
  • Survival
  • Planar Black Hole Microcosm
    Crew: The Diamondillian Conservatory of Saint Yamar the Twosoul (1500 GP min.):
  • Gold Dragonborn Female, Soulbearer Ruxxis: Utility (Lvl5+)
  • Dwarven Female, Sidmirgurth (Sid): Evocation (Lvl1)
  • Half-elf Male, Arelel: Divination (Lvl1)
  • Human Female, Michelle: Transmutation (Lvl1)
  • Black Dragonborn Female, River: Utility (Lvl5)
    Elysium Capitol:     The Emperor's War
  • Emperor Xermos' war against Hadar has had unintended consequences - innocent worlds being destroyed
  • There is a rising resistance to the long-lived Emperor
  • Taryn has taken pity on the people and has found herself "leading" the resistance
    The Floating City
  • As part of the Emperor's War, the Northern Territories, specifically the City of Moonrise was destroyed
  • There are strange planar things that happen in the area
    Quest Board:
  • Lucius, Lord Galashiels (M. High Elf) was airing a greivance over his warehouses being raided, asking for imperial support at court
  • Genevieve, Lady Tormon (F. Human) was unable to finish airing her greivance at court about her son's mysterious illness
  • Petty thefts of magical/arcane items across the city
  • Cultists recruiting new members; reports of ritual sacrifices


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