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45 - The El'tun

When last we left our heros...   Setting down onto one of the flat areas of the floating hunk of the city once known as Moonrise, the group spotted the crumbling ruins of the city off in the distance. Knowing that an arduous journey lay ahead through the snow and wind, the group left the paid-for-crew onboard the Veil as they set off towards the city. Bundling up in some of the furs Ty had been carrying, the group moved slowly, hill to hill, and trying to stay out of the now feared to be arcane storm. About halfway through the journey, the group spotted what could be an additional arcane cannon tower off to the east, and deciding not to investigate, Jordan sent a message to Praetori and the crew, warning them of the tower's position. Unbeknownst to the group, a pack of large, fox-like snowwalkers had been stalking the group, and finding an opportunity, set out to attack. Sturdy and dangerous, the group manage to kill half of the pack and baninishing the group mother, but not before a couple of the group fall ill to poison. The mother, returning from banishment, takes a beating and retreats, howling out to the remaining pack members. The group, deciding it best to move, continued making their way further into the storm, and closer to the city. Ty creates the tiny hut for the group, tucked into the backside of a small hill, and sleep falls onto the group. Peaceful sleep does not come for Ty or Ailonora, who have troubled dreams, seemingly filled with chaos from the surrounding storm. Noticing the two uneasy sleepers, Jordan presents the group with his standard breakfast before calling on Tormund to give the weather forecast. Tormund appears per usual, but seems to be glitching and turns to Jordan with a warning "Do not go into the storm." Ammethi then begins to relay that Taryn visited him in his dream, and just before he gets into any details, Ty notices a small, nearly invisible bubble hovering over the group's now snow-covered shelter. Fearing that the capitol city may plunge into chaos soon, Ammethi finishes his retelling of the dream. Now, the relative warmth of the hut begins to chill as you all notice the bubble Ty saw, the snowy wind ever so slightly outlining the shape.     It is here we resume, and I turn the evening over to you...     Major Plot Points:
  • Crews want to be paid in GP (better trade on other planes)
  • All other city services to be paid in Elysian Credits (EC)
  • 1 EC = 20 GP = 2 PP
  • Emperor Xermos' war against Hadar has had unintended consequences - innocent worlds being destroyed
  • There is a rising resistance to the long-lived Emperor
  • Taryn has taken pity on the people and has found herself "leading" the resistance
      Party Inventory:
  • Ailonora - 16,307 GP
  • Ammethi - 228 GP
  • Ace - 862 GP, 100 PP
  • Hollis - 54 GP, 99 PP
  • Jordan - 1,043 GP, 108 PP
  • Somi - 1,680 GP
  • Ty - 563 GP, 100 PP
    Session Plot Points:
  • Ty is poisoned
  • El'tun Cannon Complex
  • Survival (Stormwalkers have been hunting for the party)
  • Planar Black Hole Microcosm
  • The Hunt for Master Gerak
  • The Tempest Dragon - D'gayig (Ancient Silver Dragon)
    Master Gerak
  • Followed a Red Wizard from Trigseer into the cave complex
  • Found himself trapped here, caught in the storm
  • Was nearly caught by the wizards, but escaped days ago
  • Figured they gave up searching for him because of the storm
  • Saw the complex (can describe it in some detail)
  • Overheard the Wizards talking about something they called "D'gayig" and a "Planar Portal" to bring "Hadar"
  • Has tied the storm to the complex and this "D'gayig"
  • Ancient Silver Dragon (MM pg. 116)
  • Trapped by the Red Wizards in the El'tun mountain complex
  • Anger from being trapped is causing the storm
  • The storm can be quelled either by getting the D'gayig below 1/4 HP or defeating his anchor
  • Anchor is currently unknown, but rumored to be at the heart of the complex
    Crew: The Diamondillian Conservatory of Saint Yamar the Twosoul (1500 GP min.):
  • Gold Dragonborn Female, Soulbearer Ruxxis: Utility (Lvl5+)
  • Dwarven Female, Sidmirgurth (Sid): Evocation (Lvl1)
  • Half-elf Male, Arelel: Divination (Lvl1)
  • Human Female, Michelle: Transmutation (Lvl1)
  • Black Dragonborn Female, River: Utility (Lvl5)


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