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46 - The El'Tun pt. 2

When last we left our heros...       Coming out of their rest in Ty's tiny hut, the group recieved a message from Ruxxis, alerting them that she had River scrying on them, to ensure that the crew were available to come "back-up" if needed, and that presently, no dagner was in their immediate surroundings. Moving towards the crumpled city of Moonrise, Ty gleaned a bit of information about the storm - spotting the outline of a massive dragon-like creature, sillouhetted against the clouds. Still being tracked by the stormwalkers, the group pressed on, reaching the outskirts of the city just as the sun set, again settling into Ty's hut for the night. As the group settles into sleep, Ailonora again, has troubling, but restful sleep; Ty, finds himself again on the battlefield in his dreams, choosing a different path than before. Somi, closer to her master than ever before, finds herself awakening into the consciousness of her master, himself settling into cover for the night, but terrifyed of what might come. Deciding that in the morning, he would head for a cathedral toward the north, Somi awakes, armed with the seemingly shared knowledge of her master. The rest of the group awakes from sleep, and after a short discussion, the decision to try and find the cathedral is set in motion, and the group heads out. However, shortly after setting out, the group encounters a group of roving guards, who until now, had only been part of Somi's shared consciousness with her master. Four heavily armed guards and an adept wizard encounter the group, huddled into crumbling buildings. As battle ensues and a pair of the guards are slain, one of the guards fires a flare into the sky before being cut down. Feeling himself nearing his current path, the wizard sets off a blight on nearly the entire party. Somi managed to confine the wizard, opting for talks and negotion, but just as she does, the final, remaining guard detonates himself, giving himself to the will of Maar, or maybe Hadar, unleashing a fireball that knocks an expertly hidden Ty down for the count. Battle coming to an explosive end, the group reconvenes as Ammethi provides healing. Now, with the ashes of the fallen guards raining down, the cold wind biting your cheeks, and the burning red flare still hanging in the sky...       It is here we resume, and I turn the evening over to you...     Major Plot Points:
  • Crews want to be paid in GP (better trade on other planes)
  • All other city services to be paid in Elysian Credits (EC)
  • 1 EC = 20 GP = 2 PP
  • Emperor Xermos' war against Hadar has had unintended consequences - innocent worlds being destroyed
  • There is a rising resistance to the long-lived Emperor
  • Taryn has taken pity on the people and has found herself "leading" the resistance
      Party Inventory:
  • Ailonora - 16,307 GP
  • Ammethi - 228 GP
  • Ace - 862 GP, 100 PP
  • Hollis - 54 GP, 99 PP
  • Jordan - 1,043 GP, 108 PP
  • Somi - 1,680 GP
  • Ty - 563 GP, 100 PP
    Session Plot Points:
  • Ty is poisoned
  • El'tun Cannon Complex
  • Survival (Stormwalkers have been hunting for the party)
  • Planar Black Hole Microcosm
  • The Hunt for Master Gerak
  • The Tempest Dragon - D'gayig (Ancient Silver Dragon)
    Master Gerak
  • Followed a Red Wizard from Trigseer into the cave complex
  • Found himself trapped here, caught in the storm
  • Was nearly caught by the wizards, but escaped days ago
  • Figured they gave up searching for him because of the storm
  • Saw the complex (can describe it in some detail)
  • Overheard the Wizards talking about something they called "D'gayig" and a "Planar Portal" to bring "Hadar"
  • Has tied the storm to the complex and this "D'gayig"
  • Ancient Silver Dragon (MM pg. 116)
  • Trapped by the Red Wizards in the El'tun mountain complex
  • Anger from being trapped is causing the storm
  • The storm can be quelled either by getting the D'gayig below 1/4 HP or defeating his anchor
  • Anchor is currently unknown, but rumored to be at the heart of the complex
    Crew: The Diamondillian Conservatory of Saint Yamar the Twosoul (1500 GP min.):
  • Gold Dragonborn Female, Soulbearer Ruxxis: Utility (Lvl5+)
  • Dwarven Female, Sidmirgurth (Sid): Evocation (Lvl1)
  • Half-elf Male, Arelel: Divination (Lvl1)
  • Human Female, Michelle: Transmutation (Lvl1)
  • Black Dragonborn Female, River: Utility (Lvl5)


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