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48 - Assault on the El'tun Complex

When last we left our heros...     After spending a peaceful night in the Starfire Cathedral, the group awakens to a fairly normal morning routine. Catching the eye of a blonde-haired female Half Elf, Ailonora acquainted herself with Commander Garris, one of the more important figures among the Guardians. Sensing some uneasiness, Ailonora urged the rest of the group to try to get a feeling of how the Guardians felt about the Emperor. In doing so, Ammethi made his way around the grounds, helping with minor medial tasks, and learns that the Guardians are preparing for an assault on the El'tun facility. Seeming to match up with what Jordan gleaned while working in the kitchens, the group concludes that not only does the complex have something to do with the dragon, but also is entirely stinking of Maars. As the group decides to try and ask Fae for information outright, they interrupt a report-in-progress, overhearing that scouts had located the Centaur bodies, and were converging on the cathedral. Sounding the alarm, the group of heros goes out to defend the northern approach, finding themselves again face-to-face with a Red Wizard and his entourage. A creative use of spells deals heavy damage to the Wizard and his guards, and soon thereafter, Ailonora revives the Wizard, if only to consume his soul. Watching the horror unfold, the remaining guards decide that the fight is over, and giving themselves to their diety, ignite themselves, dealing a massive blow to the group. Nearly everyone but Ammethi and Jordan are taken down in the firey blast, but the pair revive their friends as the combat concludes. Hatching a devious plan, Jordan freezes the Wizard's head, and the bloodied and badly injured group head back inside the protective dome of the Cathedral. Now, with the frozen head in hand, and sounds of combat around the Cathedral drawing to a quick end, and with questions burning in your minds...     It is here we resume, and I turn the evening over to you...     Major Plot Points:
  • Emperor Xermos' war against Hadar has had unintended consequences - innocent worlds being destroyed
  • There is a rising resistance to the long-lived Emperor
  • Taryn has taken pity on the people and has found herself "leading" the resistance
  • Vreth (Erik) returns to the Cathedral; joins the PCs for the assault
  • The El'tun Complex and the Tempest Dragon - D'gayig (Ancient Silver Dragon)
    Party Inventory:
  • Ailonora - 16,307 GP
  • Ammethi - 228 GP
  • Ace - 862 GP, 100 PP
  • Hollis - 54 GP, 99 PP
  • Jordan - 1,043 GP, 108 PP
  • Somi - 1,680 GP
  • Ty - 563 GP, 100 PP
    Session Plot Points:
  • El'tun Cannon Complex
  • Planar Black Hole Microcosm
  • The Tempest Dragon - D'gayig (Ancient Silver Dragon)
    Master Gerak:
  • Followed a Red Wizard from Trigseer into the cave complex
  • Found himself trapped here, caught in the storm
  • Was nearly caught by the wizards, but escaped days ago
  • Figured they gave up searching for him because of the storm
  • Saw the complex (can describe it in some detail)
  • Overheard the Wizards talking about something they called "D'gayig" and a "Planar Portal" to bring "Hadar"
  • Has tied the storm to the complex and this "D'gayig"
  • Ancient Silver Dragon (MM pg. 116)
  • Trapped by the Red Wizards in the El'tun mountain complex
  • Anger from being trapped is causing the storm
  • The storm can be quelled either by getting the D'gayig below 1/4 HP or defeating his anchor
  • Anchor is currently unknown, but rumored to be at the heart of the complex


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