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49 - Assault on the El'Tun Complex Finally

When last we left our heros...     With the frozen head of the Red Wizard in hand, the group returns to the interior of the Cathedral, waiting for Fae as the rest of the battles around the area come to a close. Seemingly mostly unscathed, the Guardians seem to have repelled the worst of the assault, at least so far. While the group waits, a Githyanki fighter enters the room, and he and the group exchange curious glances. Commander Vreth, consulting with Fae, gives a scouting report to Fae while the rest of the group listen on. Deciding to rest and recouperate before the next phase of the plan is enacted (and to prepare the Speak With The Dead spell), most of the group sets up in Ty's hut in the middle of the courtyard. As the each of the group settles into sleep or trance with their thoughts, Ty once again drifts off to sleep and projects his dream onto the walls of the hut. When the group awakens, they find themselves in various states of horror to learn that Ty's soul seems to have left his body in the middle of the night. His body cold and lifeless, the group moves him next to Gerak in the medical quarters after realizing that no healing will bring him. Ailonora hears from her diety that "He is with me now, child", and realizes that there is much more at play here. Perhaps Ty succumbed to his sickness, or even his recent spate of good health was a last push; at any rate, Ty does not seem to be alive any more. Sensing the great religious and old, celestial power, the group continues to prepare their questions for the head. Not gleaning much useful information, the group attempts to settle on a plan of action while Ty explores the afterlife.   - Presented with a series of options, Ty chooses the Goblet, and is thrust into a cavern, Erebus sitting at a table, and surrounded by goblets of varying quality and expensiveness. Choosing a plain goblet, ty finds himself standing in the Library again, the Book of Ty before him on a pedestal. A series of challenges face him, as the once blank Book of Ty begins to fill: "virtuous and protective, merciful and trusting, gullible and weak". Now, standing alone on the peak of a hill in some greyish, moonlike, hellscape, Erebus instructs Ty to reach peak of Alteya, upon which rests a gigantic gleaming diamond. Before leaving Ty on his own, Erebus takes the feather he previously gave to him and crushes it into a fine powder in a glass vial. "My breath. I give it to you. Use it to sustain yourself. Trust in me. Survive. Use what is around you, and prove to me that I was not mistaken when I chose you. Now go, become the champion I thought you to be."     It is here we resume, and I turn the evening over to you...     Major Plot Points:
  • Emperor Xermos' war against Hadar has had unintended consequences - innocent worlds being destroyed
  • There is a rising resistance to the long-lived Emperor
  • Taryn has taken pity on the people and has found herself "leading" the resistance
  • Vreth (Erik) returns to the Cathedral; joins the PCs for the assault
  • The El'tun Complex and the Tempest Dragon - D'gayig (Ancient Silver Dragon)
    Party Inventory:
  • Ailonora - 16,307 GP
  • Ammethi - 228 GP
  • Ace - 862 GP, 100 PP
  • Hollis - 54 GP, 99 PP
  • Jordan - 1,043 GP, 108 PP
  • Somi - 1,680 GP
  • Ty - 563 GP, 100 PP
    Session Plot Points:
  • Give Ty his new items (Faith's Redemption, Shadow-Tested Boneplate)
  • El'tun Cannon Complex - Probably targeting the NPCs (Guardians)
  • Planar Black Hole Microcosm - Lots of strange Monsters defending the facility
  • Multiple Combats - Chances to evade
  • Free the Dragon - Destroy the apparatus (Fiend-powered, similar to the Aegis)
  • The Tempest Dragon - D'gayig (Ancient Silver Dragon)
  • See Notebook notes for events and actions
  • Ancient Silver Dragon (MM pg. 116)
  • Trapped by the Red Wizards in the El'tun mountain complex
  • Anger from being trapped is causing the storm
  • The storm can be quelled either by getting the D'gayig below 1/4 HP or defeating his anchor
  • Anchor is currently unknown, but rumored to be at the heart of the complex


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