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7 - Harbmoore Manor pt. 4 - "A Day of Side Quests"

Session Recap: Having gathered the two party members from the inn, the group took a short rest to prepare for the journey. Ammethi, Ailonora, and Tarynn went to the temple to pray while Jordan, Ty, and Mary went and spoke with the Warden. Learning a bit about the wild elf tribes of the island, while also make an introduction to Bearclaw. Mary learns of Bearclaw's previous employment as Master at Arms aboard the Crusher IV, flagship of the old private military company, "The Keepers". Ailonora, Mary, and Ammethi then go scout out the mine along with Tarynn. Jordan received a letter from the guild, and expedited a letter back to Serenity Point. Simultaneously, Jordan potentially secured a faster travel to Serenity Point by way of horse. After an eventful couple of hours, the "scouting party" has discovered a large cavern in the mine. Hollis attuned to his boots, and Jordan, Ty, and the Warden join the rest of the group at the mine. As the party dropped into the cavern, a short battle ensued. Having killed the shadow dancer and witnessing the other mysterious person seemingly teleport out of the cavern, we rejoin the group.
  • Upon taking a long rest, the group will level up to Level 4 --
  • Overall Plot Points:
    • When Taryn had her episode, she spoke in Celestial "Get me to the Cut, I need the fire and flame. Trust no one, use yourself, the power is within me."
    • This will eventually lead the party to discover who/what Taryn is. (She is not the reincarnation of Crel, as her guardians had her believe).
    • Taryn will discover this when she eventually meets with the High Priest, Father Marcalus at the Grand Temple in Deros.
    • A Shadar-kai Shadow Dancer has been trailing the party, collecting information, and if undiscovered, will continue to trail the party. The tracker will report to his people ([other pages]) in Deros.
    • While hiding in the shadows, the PCs must make a perception check of 25+ to sense the tracker.
    • A percentage roll of 1 overnight will cause the tracker to be ambushed by the displacer beast.
    • The displacer beast has also been slowly following the trail of the party.
    • The steel predator (Session 1) escaped the ship and will be coming to shore around the same time as the party gets to Serenity Point.
    Session Plot Points The party may continue to explore the fairly large mine Continuing deeper into the mine (via the cavern) will reveal a small entrance to a shallow, fast-flowing river. Following the river will put the party well outside of town (1-2 hours travel back uphill by foot) Exploring the mine proper will reveal a series of shafts, neatly dug into the face of the mountain. The mine shafts continue to be larger than expected and seemingly very well constructed. (Lady Harbmoore has been dealing with the Hunters for many years, who have provided extra technological support. The Hunters have been using the mines to hide their ships, though there is not currently one in the area.) At the bottom of the mine, Old Man Terry's body will be found, seemingly drained of energy and "soul". The displacer beast is nowhere to be found. A roll of 10% or lower will have the party find themselves faced with a swarm of spiders (MM pg. 338) and a giant spider (MM pg. 328). Returning to town, Lady Harbmoore will have arrived by dawn. Susie will have returned by dawn. Bearclaw will have departed town to the east, presumably to head to the Crusher IV. --In 5 days time, the Coronation Games will begin-- --Travel to Serenity Point by foot will take about 5 days, assuming no distractions on the road-- --Travel to SP by horse/wagon ( will take about 2 days, pending distractions--   Local Quests/Rumors: Warden Lillith (Starlight of Moon Bay) has a laundry list of things that the party could help with, if willing -
    • The miners have stopped working, due to recent spider attacks (spider infestation) - clear for 50gp
    • The Bowden Boys (two human male boys, aged 8 and 11) have run away from home again - return for 100gp
    • Lillith has heard rumors of an ursine raiding party making their way south - clear the party for 500gp
    • Lillith loves the village, and having been with Lady H. for so long, has hopes and aspirations that one day, she will be entrusted to run the estate. Lillith was entrusted long ago with the security of the village and works with her only true friend "Bearclaw Snowbreaker", a former Keeper and master at arms on "The Crusher IV", headquarter-ship of the legendary "Keepers" private military company.
    Eldwith of the Iron Clan (Dwarven Tavern Owner and long-time resident of the town) seeks to get more herbs for her services at the tavern -
    • Eldwith would like aromatic herbs for soaps and scents because Amir has stopped selling them (disputes with Eldwith). The herbs can also be found to the east in the Icewood, but the woods are notoriously dangerous outside of the boundaries of village (wolves, bears, elves, etc.)
    • Eldwith of the Iron Clan used to work on a trading ship as a cook and "companion" and as such, shed her familial name many years ago.
    Gary's son, William (Human male, 19 years old) encountered a strange phenomenon on the road to the south while returning from Serenity Point -
    • William encountered a party of hunters (blackguard hunters) searching for a creature (steel panther). They had a warforged with them (not known to this land at all).
    • William Theodore (T.) Porter, (III) believes that he is destined for greater things than being a porter in the Manor. William desires to shed himself of his small town and make a name for himself as a knight and one day serve in the (Queen's) royal guard.
    Kherd Beastarm (Mythic Metalworks) is looking for star-metal
    • Star metal can be found (very rarely) scattered about the continent, but Kherd first found out about the metal from Susie, who picked some up on her travels by means of barter. Susie then commissioned a staff for a hefty sum. The staff is finished and due to be delivered to Susie when she returns.
    • Kherd Beastarm of the Iron Clan is a distant relative of Eldwith who works as both a forger and a miner (as do most of the town). Kherd strives to make armaments for the royal guard.
    Susie Toosole is always looking for new and exciting items
    • Susie and Amir (wife and husband) plan to travel to Serenity Point soon to make sure they are able to set up their traveling merchant shop for the Coronation Games for the newly crowned Queen Naesala Vellis, I, the new High Queen of Harreach.
    • Susie and Amir might hire the group to travel with them.
    Lady Shadala Harbmoore will be returning from a business trip in New Fyre in the next day or two and will be heading to her home in Serenity Point for the Coronation Games.
    • The Manor (proper) is staffed by two younger eleven sisters who have familial tiles to the Harbmoore family (G'wellen and R'vawah).
    • "The Sisters" as they are known locally, have had a growing disdain for Lady Harbmoore and estate manager "Master Woorman Harbmoore" (who adopted the Harbmoore name well over two centuries ago), who more often than not, leaves her estate for the big city, entrusting the Manor to the sisters.
    Estate manager: Harbmoore Manor: Known as The Manor locally, it would be better characterized as a self-sufficient hamlet. Lady Shadala Harbmoore (NPC Book pg. 170 -- **MAKE A SHEET**) carries the entire Harbmoore family name and runs the family mining business, which is the Manor's main occupation.


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