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8 - Serenity Point "A New Day"

Session Recap: Deciding that exploring the rest of the mines was not worth it, the group hauled the deceased body of the Shadow Dancer up and out of the mines. The group hauled the body to be examined by Amir. Amir revealed to the party that the Shadow Dancers work for a group called the Hunters, a group of people who are not from this world that hunt very exotic prey. Amir seems fascinated by Ailonora, and reveals that he has worked with her father in the technology that runs the airships; this is confirmed by Uncle "G" (Ailonora's ring). --Level 4-- Ailonora dreams of Amir and recalls a time that she seems to remember when Amir was at her home, working with her father. Hollis has a vision of water and seagulls, and a female voice (Chetri) encourages Hollis to continue doing her work, citing that she will keep his waters calm. Ty has a lucid dream where he transforms into a crow, flying over the continent, and sees himself land on the roof of the inn. Deciding to abandon the rest of the tasks in town, the group goes to William to arrange transport to Serenity Point (2x horses and a wagon, William on horseback). Susie arrives and Ailonora learns through Uncle "G" that Susie is Yamar Toosoles' daughter. The group left soon thereafter. The two-day journey to Serenity Point was uneventful, and on the evening of the second day, the group arrived at Serenity Point. The group is now confronted by an Orc Royal Guard, Velkan of the Broken Bone, and after a heated debate, the group is allowed into the city without William. Velkan warns Ailonora to behave well in his city, and that any trouble she causes will get back to her father, who he seems to know. The group saw the last fleeting moments of William getting beaten down by Velkan and his guards as the gates to the walled city closed behind them. It is here we resume...     Overall Plot Points:
  • When Taryn had her episode, she spoke in Celestial "Get me to the Cut, I need the fire and flame. Trust no one, use yourself, the power is within me."
  • This will eventually lead the party to discover who/what Taryn is. (She is not the reincarnation of Crel, as her guardians had her believe).
  • Taryn will discover this when she eventually meets with the High Priest, Father Marcalus at the Grand Temple in Deros.
  • A percentage roll of 1 overnight will cause the tracker to be ambushed by the displacer beast.
  • The displacer beast has also been slowly following the trail of the party.
  • The steel predator (Session 1) escaped the ship and will be coming to shore around the same time as the party gets to Serenity Point.
  • William will survive his beating and will hold a massive resentment against the party for the way they treated him when they arrived to Serenity Point; he will find a following in Serine for rebelling against the monarchy. He and his followers will call themselves "The Fancymen, of Serine" and will be hodge-podgely clad in armor and weapons.
Serenity Point
  Session Plot Points   Visas for the Walled City
  • "Ailonora Ferinor" was enough to get them through the gates on account of the Coronation Games, but the PCs will not be able to find a place to stay without getting a formal visa.
  • The Visa Office is located in Historic Old Town, and occupies a large central building on the Northeast side of the Palace.
  • The Visa Office will be busy and full of travelers excited to be in town for the games.
  • About 50% of the people in the office will be denied visas for various reasons and will be told that they must be outside of the city walls by sundown.
  • Ailonora will have to verify her father's name, residence, and vouch for the rest of the party; this will result in the PCs getting a temporary visa, valid for 1 week while the royal archives verify the information at the Palace. (This will take about 3 days before becoming official. Alternatively, Ailonora can add in a d100x10 GP for each of the PCs to get a formal visa.
  • A formal visa will be in the form of a "permanent" arcane marking on the palm of the PCs' hands, nearly invisible outside of those who know what to look for.
A Message Home
  • Messages can be sent to almost any place in the world at the Messenger Guild
The Merchants' Guild
  • Upon arrival to the Guild, Jordan will be given new tasks on behalf of the Guild and will be given a sum of money for his troubles thusfar.
  The Adventurers' Guild
  • To earn a quick bit of coin, the PCs may take on some of the entry-level taskings at the Adventurer's Guild
  • If the PCs take one of the lower jobs, they will be hired on as extra muscle to escort food shipments into and out of the lower city. They will encounter the violence, squalor, racism, and inequality of the lower city. They will also hear religious spiels from the various priests and priestesses. They may also encounter William, who will hold a deep hatred towards the PCs.
  • To earn higher payouts, the PCs may have to ask around for the Theives' Guild and take less-than-lawful jobs, or show their visas and apply for membership into the Guild. This will lead to "bonded" jobs, that will have a guaranteed, contractual payout.
  Susie and Amir will arrive to town in 2 days time (the day before the Coronation Games) In 3 days time, the Coronation Games will begin - both martial and arcane games Inquisitions and anti-immigrants in the lower city. Steel Predator will have been hauled in by a fishing vessel, seemingly unconscious (rumor overheard in a tavern by a very drunk sailor). Guilds       Local Quests/Rumors:


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