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Airship Crews Available for Hire in Elysium

Crew #1 - The Pack (Price Negotiable - 1100 GP min.)
  • Beastfolk mercenary crew
  • Primary experience is providing protection to sea-faring, trading vessels on "The Big Blue" (expansive seas on the Wildheart plane)
  • The crew has elected "Momma" (Jamah Whitefang, female wolf-like beastfolk) to act as their spokesperson
  • Crew Size: 11
  • Crew: "Momma" (Jamah Whitefang, female wolf-like beastfolk Darr'h, Rexxie, Darr'yah, and Guy Whitefang (Mamma's pups Rayna, Willie, Feebe, and Javin Longclaw; Bub and Yips (Clanless orphan pups)
  Crew Attributes:
  • Experienced Crew with an elected liaison (+1 to morale and discipline)
  • Skilled melee fighters; come with their own simple ranged and melee weapons (+1 to fighting)
  • Loyalty lies to "Momma" (-1 to loyalty if Momma is upset with the PCs)
  • Enjoy the adventure, excitement, and fighting
  • Likely to get rowdy and rambunctious
  • Little experience in Planar Travel (only one trip under their belt)
  • Prefer to sleep in piles (do not require full rooms)
  • No real skills to speak of (crew positions)
      Crew #2 - Tinsnap and Palvas Larksong (Price Negotiable - 2500 GP min.)
  • Married Gnome Couple
  • Tinkerers/Artificers
  • Crew Size: 2 +6 Constructs and 60 tons of cargo
  Crew Attributes:
  • Well-traveled; very experienced
  • Enjoy the more unusual ships/adventures
  • Odd; loyalties lie to each other and their shared love of knowledge
  • Will demand searching out relics, oddities, and strange tech
  • Could adapt tech to the ship
  • Will allow the PCs to specify constructs for ship (purpose-built crew)
  • Extremely knowledgable with many engineering/tech/arcane skills
      Crew #3 - Lady Savingdale's Academy for Military Affairs (Price Firm - 500 GP)
  • Highborn Elf and Dwarf crew (All Female)
  • Has no real experience (classroom only)
  • Is looking for an experienced crew to conduct a "winter at sea" learning event
  • Crew is lead by Captain, Lady Maia Sarberro (Female, Elf Commander in the Imperial Fleet and Academy instructor)
  • Crew is lead by Chief Frida Ulrikdottir (Femal, Dwarf Chief in the Imperial Fleet and Academy Instructor)
  • Crew size: 12
Crew Attributes:
  • Crew with a military rank structure (+2 to morale and discipline)
  • Eager, ready to learn, hardworking
  • Come with fine melee and ranged weaponry (+1 to fighting)
  • No practical experience to speak for (sailing or fighting)
  • Are all highborne (require accomodations and good food)
  • All very intelligent with book-smarts
  • Are skilled laborers and can fit into most crew positions easily
  • Medically trainined and self-sufficient
    Crew #4 - Master Paul's Planar Consortium (Price Firm - 1000 GP, + claims to all gemstones/mines)
  • Goblin dressed as a fancy cosmopolitan businessman (Mixed Goblin/Dwarf Crew)
    Crew #5 - The Diamondillian Conservatory of Saint Yamar the Twosoul (1500 GP min.)
  • Gold Dragonborn Female, Soulbearer Ruxxis
  • Price starts at 500 GP and rises for each level of Wizard
    Crew #6 - The Explorer's Guild (500 GP + 15% of ship hauls)
  • Human Male, Bumbra Freedman (Polynesian inspired look)
    Crew #7 - The Brotherhood of Blades (Price Firm - 4,000 GP)
  • Jotunn Male, Lerak Stonebreaker (Barbarian)
  • Black Dragonborn Female, Saldrez Varun of the Forged Isles (Fighter)
  • Human Male, Damian Cross (Death Cleric)
  • Dwarf Female, Fommhilde Goldfinger (Healing Wizard)


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