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King 'Herald' Hardradi (King Herald [Her Drah-Dah])

2520AC was considered 'The Year of Kings' among Draigi scholars. A year of sailing before, and a beginning of dominion, domination and crusading for the delegated kings of each the Draigi factions. Progress was slow; with kings came those who followed, and those who opposed them, save for those who stood neutral. The Utstrålandian people held close the memory of their goddess, and through her memory rose the spiritualists, raising a cathedral where Sjøfyr would be constructed around. The high-shaman would self-proclaim him King, before arming his followers and leading a march across Southern Dragehjerte's continental islands, mountainous steppes, and rolling plains. Sun at their back, dominance was claimed and rule was established.   Hardradi's father was next in line of their gilded throne; and his upbringing showed him much of the dangers of their young society. Namely, his parents' risky presence among their own people. He often accompanied his family to neighboring villages, to hear of the people's complications and such, and traveled when of-age to take up the responsibility himself. He heard their woes, and performed deeds that brought salvation to his kin in the name of the Goddess, though through his expression did he learn that, while many among the civilized lived day to day under her aurora, many did not hold the dedication, nor the belief, that he and his family had. This painted an ever-increasing grey-area for his outlook on his people, with the oppositions growing smaller.   Through study and experience, he begun to see his people growing weaker, and more fragile. The strength behind their history was the unity they built, the energy that rose from their spirits when fighting side-by-side with their kin, making them an indestructible force against the deities that oppressed them. It was clear why their glorious shining city was yet to stand, why the cathedral sat dim and crumbling at the seams.   The young prince took action.   He challenged his father abruptly, dueling for the throne. While both claimed to fight for the people, for only Hardradi had the downtrodden and foe arrived to witness, and cheer on. The voice of the people, the herald for their kingdom. The meaning became clear, as blood had been shed for the sake of their future.   Hardradi's rule was bountiful. Raising their city of Sjøfyr, giving their aurorian cathedral it's light as it reflected the sun upon the horizons. He established Equalism, and Equalists became the label for those that worked fervently for the future of Utstråland. The kingdom found many houses and tribes that waged their own battles in Hardradi's spirit, though even with this progress, few found their way away from the city, through outcasting or abandonment; and would lay the seed for the Glom'ossian kingdom that would rise beneath their doorstep.   Hardradi's stories tell of his time venturing to the Nymphian kingdom of Highwall to seek glory and learn more of the world beyond the Shattered Isle. He fought as a mercenary for their Queen, playing a big part of her own upbringing, before leaving Patria for Kyojin-ka, and learning of the seclusive and traditional Ko'jika. Though his experience in both continents ended on worse terms than he'd hoped for, he returned to his homeland to purge the corruption from the Counsil he had left behind, to once against establish former rule for his people, and mentor scholars on the world beyond their mountainous seas.   His life's end was documented among his subjects and family, but ultimately was hidden away under wraps. Many speculate to the motives of this decision, but the crown assures them it's to preserve Hardradi's legend, so that it will continue to inspire their kingdom for ages to come.
Hardradi was named by his father 'Herald' for the hope he put into him that he would lead his people the same way his father had. When he had known the path his son would discover, and the climax of his rule; he stated, very lovingly, that he was proud of his son, though he found his decision somewhat ironic.

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