Chronalis the Time Thief

Also known as the Ivory Paradox and the Keeper of Draconian Sands. Chronalis is an ancient time dragon, the only of his kind. There is only one time dragon per reality and are known to live an extremely solitary and isolated life. They have a sole purpose for existing, watching over the dragon hourglass. Unlike other creatures, all true dragons have a link to the dragon hourglass the details on it's function is kept secret only to the Keeper of Draconian Sands. A new time dragon rises as a wrymling from the ashes of the prior one similar to a pheonix.    Chronalis long long ago as a wyrmling spent his time doing his job keeping watch over the dragon hourglass and making sure it's hidden from the realm. Any event happened and changed him, he decided to depart from his post and seek power. This attempt at unlawful strength caused the first encounter with the Peggers. And it was this moment where he almost died, in a moment of panic Chronalis resorted to hopping back in time and retreated. And thus began the start of our Ivory Paradox. Countless times has he tried to repeat his goal with the same results, countless times he tried to kill the Peggars in advance only for a party of their friends and allies to gather together and take him down, countless times he lost over and over again. This "fate" his near immortal life he spent trying to correct or adjust with the same outcome. So he has devised a final plan, meet it head on and challenge it with a ultimatum. He despises the very fact that he forgot so long ago what his original reason was for this.
Opalescent, medium, piercing