Crew's Ship

Ship Stats   Armor Class: 18 (metal)   Cargo: 30 tons   Hit Points: 350   Crew: 11   Damage Threshold: 15   Keel/Beam: 100 ft./20 ft.   Speed: fly 50 ft. (5.5 mph)   Cost: 40,000 gp   Cannon Stats   Repeating Cannon (Crew: 2)   Armor Class: 15   Hit Points: 90   Cost: 350 gp (cannon), 10 gp (cannon ball)   It takes 1 action to load the cannon and 3 actions to fire all rounds.   Cannon Ball. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (3d10+2) bludgeoning damage. (Magical)   Camouflaging Hull The hull of this ship camouflages itself to match its environment. The ship has advantage on ability checks made to hide, and Wisdom (Perception) checks made to detect the ship are made at disadvantage. Additionaly, when docked on a planitary body, the ship is able to cloak itself.   Actions on the Ship   Repair - The Bosun can use an action to repair the ship 1d8 + Character Level.   Parlay - The Captain can use an action to attempt to resolve combat amicably with a persuasion roll. This can happen once per combat and the difficulty goes down the more damaged the enemy is.   Costs for the Ship   Repairing the ship - 20gp per hit point at a dock   Daily Expenses - Fuel, food, and water are typically priced all together. Prices can range from 20gp a day to as much as 50gp depending on the location of resupplying. 10 days of rations counts as 1 ton of cargo.   Cannon Balls - Each cannon ball costs 10gp. 50 cannon balls count as 1 ton of cargo   Repairing the Cannon - 5gp per hit point at a dock.
The Planetary Express