Harshnag the Grim

Harshnag the Grim is a frost giant and member of the Gray Hands during the 14th century DR. The Waterdhavian City Guard used Harshnag as an indicator that a neighborhood was about to become a war zone, and signal citizens that should get out of that area as fast as possible. Harshnag is particularly burly-looking, even for a frost giant. He has skin as white as snow, light blue eyes and pale blue hair which he often keeps tied back in a braid. Harshnag is known for wearing the skull of a white dragon as a helmet. His main weapon is the legendary Gurt's greataxe. He wears a suit of enchanted plate mail. Harshnag was exiled from his tribe of frost giants, who lived in the Spine of the World mountains, for his rather gentle demeanor. He wandered south to explore the Realms beyond his home and eventually made his way down to Waterdeep.    Taken back by the presence of a frost giant near the city, the Gray Hands moved to intercept the giant interloper. Their leader, a ranger by the name of Jardwim, was so impressed by the giant's polite response, invited Harshnag to join their ranks. He made his home in a cave in Mount Sar, and was summoned by means of a sending spell by his fellow Gray Hand enforcer, a wizard named Maliantor. At some point during the 14th century, Harshnag was gifted the legendary greataxe of Gurt, the Lord of the Pale Giants, by Open Lord Piergeiron, in recognition for his service to the city of Waterdeep.                "Come here little demon, and stop tormenting the nice townsfolk... I will squash you like a bug.” — Harshnag the Grim