Session 10 Recap

Our session starts off with the party in Bral, on the Planitary Express. Our team having breakfast and Rai nursing a hangover. Valtish giving her a wake up shot for her to drink. Spixi wakes up nested in a pile of mop heads as the Gnoll custodian informing her she is currently in the Mages Guildhall after a night of her sending apology letters out to her coworkers and patrons for her behavior. The head of the Mages Guild, Kaiber Ultram, notifies Spixi that she had been casting sending to him repeatedly to apologize for her state of being. As a result of all these actions, and the killer hangover, Spixi goes to the Happy Beholder to sleep it off. While this is taking place, Captain and Helion head to the temple district to go to the temple of Tyr, inside is a battle hall fit for a warriors banquet and the head of the temple, Father, gives the Captain a new objective in the name of Tyr. The trial being to take down 2 Talos warships, 1 of which was recently spotted near Gorntun. Helion takes the Captain afterwards to the church of Lathandar, a stark difference from the temple of Tyr. The interior being bright and warm, an ever radiant alter of Lathandar and. It was much shock to our Captain to find out that upon arrival Helion was being worshiped himself. Helion forgetting to mention his rank in his church was that of Dawnlord, the highest position in the entire faith and the closest to the Dawnfather himself.   With Laylin off somewhere and Punkin visiting her family, Rhui decides to go down to the dry docks and work with Liz. Captain and Helion ask Lottie to go and scout the noble disctrict to see if the Ulfrik family is still home. Once she verifies they are home the trio apologizes for their abscense and readiness to start the job. Sir Ulfrik asks them to escort them by the end of the week. They agree and head back to the ship to inform the others. Later that night, Spixi decides to take a walk through the Great Gardens where she is promptly kidnapped by a warped monster. It takes her deep into the bowels of the city, as a stone structure comes into view. A cathedral built with web-like architecture. Thralls to the Underbarron work away as the Ettin Ceremorph takes Spixi inside the cathedral and into the presence of The Unknowable One. He explains to Spixi that this is a non hostil conversation, his current goal is to overthrow Prince Andru and become the ruler of the Rock. The Unknowable One explains that his current goals can be considered aligned with good since the Prince treats his citizens poorly and this underbarron simply wants to consume the bad ones. After this conversation he tells Spixi that he will wait 1 month for a reply and during the wait he will cease his movements and plans. #8 picks up Spixi once more and takes her to a storm drain close to the ship. After explaining her evening to Helion and the Captain it's decided the best thing to do at the moment is to gather information about the prince, the underbarrons, and the living situation on Bral.   Another day passes, Spixi and Rhui head to their respected jobs, and it's brought to the crews attention that Maddox has opened a male host club on Bral. Rai decides to check out the Rock Rat for information while Helion and Captain check out the great market looking for Squidge the Croaking Sage. When the Captain asks him for information on the prince and underbarons to which the sage replies: "Taxpayers live in uncertainty to the prince, criminals thrive in the lax of his gaze. Underbarons live freely. Rogue justice with a just cause, balancing act. Will you be the tipping point?” The two watch the local guard go through a few stalls and take product claiming it's for taxation purposes. Captain heads back to the ship and Helion meets with Rai at the Rock Rat to gather more intel. Aside from a bar fight between a minotaur and a gnome and a conversation between a charming and handsome pair of men the Rock Rat didn't provide much information for them.    That afternoon, Rai heads with Spixi and Rhui to the Sanguine Host Club. Inside they take note of the rich interior and lavish furnishings as well as the muscular monster men wearing silk black ties and silk black vests. Spixi conversates with a Mindflayer and Rhui hangs out with a Orc while Rai heads upstairs to the office where Maddox apologizes to her for not telling her about the club.    We pick back up with the party on the ship prepping for the ship to take off on their next voyage.