Session 12 Recap

General Summary

We start our session with the Peggers touched down on Nulborn. They investigate the dragonfly ship that rests, delapidated, next to the Planitary Express. Spixi manages to locate the captain's journal. "We've located an area 20 days travel, encounters with locals, pitcher plant only life in flat ground, eerie but holy feeling. I've sent our last sending to Mr. Ultrum, once tissue sample is aquired we will be able to return." As she heads back to report to Captain, Punkin arrives in a seperate spelljammer revealing her new partner Illiander Sindaith, the owner of the Sindaith Line. After Punkin is dropped off and Illiander takes his leave, Valkyrie flies spixi up to try and break the tree canopy and get a visual but a violet vine errupts from between the bark of a tree and smacks the pair back to the ground, Valkyrie takes the impact for Spixi. The group takes an overgrown pathway and continues further into the woods.   Days begin to pass, their journey towards the pitcher plant is filled with a multitude of new plant discoveries. The night shows the bioluminescence all of the flora gives off. The first night the group encounters a curious Wood Wode mimicing the movements of Rai before returning to it's part of the tree. The second day begins with a meeting with a honeysuckle flower, Spixi casts speak with plants on it to ask if soneone had past by them prior. The flower did not know of anyone moving by but encouraged the group to try it's nectar. Everyone takes a jar of it and Punkin and Rhui try the aromaticly sweet nectar. Unknown to the party at this time, this causes the two of them to become infected. The group on the third day encounters a rare race of Vegepygmies, they speak in babbles that don't proct the comprehend languages spell as an actual language. They have basic stone weapons and one of them cuts the head off another and plants it into the ground. After a few minutes the head regenerates on the body and the head in the ground crawls out with a new body. The group decides to just leave them alone.   (I'm struggling to recap this in all honesty so please excuse my lack of in depth detail and narration.)   The party encounters a pair of tree folk, they ask the captain what the groups goal is and shows them the direction of the plant after explaining it grew from a comet that crashed into the ground. The tree foll explain the plant is the source of a conflict of tribes here. Further travel of the forest enters the territory of the Myconids, it's leader named Sovereign Spore reaches into the minds of the group and shares visions of another plant race that has blocked their water source causing their people to go thirsty. Visiting the domain of the Aartuks it's further explained they are stealing water from the Myconids because the pitcher plant is absorbing all their water. The group say's they will take care of the plant if the Aartuks leave the Myconids alone. All during this time it is revealed the further arousal of Rhui and Punkin. Finally the party meets a "survivor" from the dragonfly ship who explains that if they keep the plant alive it heals all injuries. This in turn was a lie that was revealed once the captain got inside the plant and it began to eat him. The team quickly takes down the plant and the podlings that were taking on the facade of survivors. Rhui and Punkin are cured of their infection after some grafic scenes.    The crew takes off into the astral sea once more, encountered the same flower on a rock that is guarding a portal to the Feywild. Then they run into an ancient moon dragon when the captain heads forward and explains they mean no harm and if they could aid the dragon. She replies "Fret not, one does not jump over the twig in the path." and continues on her way. After further days into travel our Peggers locate a ship of Talos, Captain goes nuts for it and orders the crew to go straight into combat. Valkyrie shows her worth and almost single handedly kills everyone on the ship. We end our session with the group ending up on Lunaria back in the A.U.C.

Missions/Quests Completed

A Frightful Expedition


"you know, I also speak common!" - Helion   "he commits war crimes, and I am not currently pregnant" - Sarah   "okay, and that was my first attack..." - Rolfe   "it's too much puss regardless..." - Helion   "are you stealing my horny juice? I'm saving it for my honey moon." - Punkin
Report Date
25 Nov 2023
Primary Location