Session 14 Recap

General Summary

Our session starts with the early morning on the 2nd of Mirtul, the group all in their own places to rest. Lottie and Helion both decide separately to go do research while Spixi and Rai make the choice to relax and explore the festival grounds. Rhui in turn would rather try her skills at the arena and try a few bouts. Laylin wakes up at Toldair's place. She decides to cast sending to Venomfang, the young adult green dragon they encountered in Thundertree. The conversation they have is brief, her expression of missing him and asking if he knows anything of the Time Thief. She learns from him based off her discription was a title "Keeper of Draconian Sands" as well as his expression of missing her. Toldair wakes up and tension is still in the air, he offers to make Laylin breakfast. He explains that even though he was mad in the moment he had time to reflect on the situation and realize that it's not Laylin's fault the theatre is destroyed, it's the person who sent the Kobold who is at fault.   Helion heads to the Mage's Guildhall, setting up a membership he heads into the archive section and searches for information on the original temple. After a bit of investigation he locates a button hidden on the underside of the shelf and reveals a ancient, worn, beautiful tome. The tome is written by Aeliana Dawnbringer, an ancestor of Helion. And although the book is old and weathered, the note addressed to Helion on top is fresh. He pours over the craftsmanship and detailed artworks on the pages and learns that only he can locate the original temple and only when he is ready for it. He encounters Mr. Strickland on his way out who greets him as "Holy Boy" and offers to use his abilities to find out how the book got there. Through the use of his fiendish powers he learns the lore assosiated with this tome and smiles wickedly at Helion, explaining that Aeliana herself delivered the book to the library herself all thanks to the work of the Time Thief. Helion takes this information to head to the great gardens.   After spending time acting like tourists, Rai and Spixi enjoy time going through festival grounds purchasing foam fingers and corndogs. Run into Rhui and watch Rhui as she goes into the arena and goes against a black dragonborn named Rezmir. The greatsword wielding combatant goes blow to blow with Rhui until it was last hit wins and Rezmir lands that last blow sliding the blade up the length of Rhui's back. Laylin during the fight meets up with Lottie, Rae, and Spixi but seeing Rhui loose her fihgt decides it's best for herself to try out combat in the arena. Tixie Tockworth is the contestant Laylin is fighting against, after Tixie leads the fight with a few strong blows only for Laylin to quickly end the fight by commanding Tixie to surrender.   The crew leads towards the greater market when they run into Helion and they trade information on what everyone has learned. Helion continues onto the great garden, the girls head to the great market to shop. While in the great market Spixi recieves a sending from her father Dixen inquiring about her stay in college and how they are heading that way soon to see her for summer break. After a few sendings back and forth the concern of her mother, Fersephonie, causes her father to teleport to Spixi's location. This in turn alerts the detection built on Bral and sirens going off that someone from Undiscovered Realms broke in. Spixi uses her final sending to alert Kaiber on the situation but the moment he heard "emergancy" he teleported to her location. She briefly explains the situation to him and Kaiber greets himself and apologises to her parents before brutishly slamming his fist in the ground using the cracks to turn into runes and teleports the group to a hidden floor in the mages guildhall. There was certainly a panic moment before the teleporting that the group thought Kaiber was going to deck Dixen in the face. Kaiber, Dixen, Fersephonie, and the group all exchange words as the worry of what could happen sets in. Kaiber explains that the space marshals mainly want to modify memory of her parents and get them safely back home. But if they assume they could remove that effect and remember the world the space marshals might take further actions. Her mother and father let them know how much they love her and they were just concerned for her safety. Kaiber offers to take down the 7 spelljammers if they want to go that route, Dixen says it could be an easy matter. But ultimately the decision is made to do this peacefully, Kaiber will turn Spixi's parents in while the group hides on the 4th floor. He returns with a reward he gives to Spixi and explains they will need to leave as he now has a meeting to have with the members of the inner circle for breaking the rules against outsiders entering the 4th floor. While leaving once again Mr. Strickland is there and tells Spixi that it was someone she knows that "reminded" her parents to check in on her.   The whole group at this point decides to go drink their feelings away. Helion, Rhui, and now Valkyrie head to the happy beholder and the rest head to the Sanguine Host Club. Huntsman continues serving the girls while Maddox chats with Rai and Spixi, hours pass and everyone thoroughly drunk begins to be escorted to their place of rest for the evening. Lottie at the edge, Laylin with Huntsman, Spixi picked up by Kaiber, and Rai stays to show off her 4x "I love Bral" T-shirt to Maddox. This ends the 2nd of Mirtul.   On the 3rd of Mirtul the day is a lot more easy paced, Spixi learns that she has been let go from her job at the mage's guildhall. Helion stops by Kaiber's office to have a conversation with him. Kaiber explains that Aeliana did in fact come in 2 days ago and without a gold to her name explain she was asked to hide this book here for Helion. With this new found knowledge earned, Helion in turn is asked a question by Kaiber - "How do you maintain this form?". Helion insists that he doesn't know what Kaiber is inferring to, to which Kaiber offered to jog his memory. Through the use of one of Kaiber's magical tools, Helion is reminded of his younger years. Memories flood his mind of his dedication to his faith and followers, the sight of his true face in a mirror, and lastly his moments just before the Captain picking him up. Helion, regaining his lost memories, attempts to revert to his true form in front of Kaiber and mentions he is going to try keeping at this in secret. Rhui attempts to make another egg recipe with less luck than the first time. Laylin wakes up bound to the bed of the Huntsman, and isn't given permission to be released just yet. Spixi goes to the guildhall now as a member and spends her time working on trying out new spell combos. Rhui heads to the arena for another match, going against a Giff shock trooper named Oswald. The fight quickly shifts one-sided for Rhui on the loosing side, Rhui gets a few solid hits in but ultimately is taken down. And finally after Laylin is let free she and Rhui head to the theatre to aid in rebuilding it. Days roll by until the 16th of Mirtul, Rai receives a sending spell from someone she doesn't recognize. The older sinister voice asks "I'm curious what you've learned of me. I look forward to our enclosing meeting." Rai responds asking what it is that they might have caused to have issues with the Keeper of Draconian Sands and what it is that he wants, to which he responds - "Absolute silence, that is my desire. And your group brings me everything I could possibly need. I'll see you on Valt." Rai quickly relays this information to the group.   We start next session on the 16th of Mirtul, the ship is fully upgraded and ready for departure.


"Woah woah woah, this is a shopping day" - Helion   "Working hard or hardly working? downs shot" - Spixi   "ya man, give me that furry cock" - Jack   "I'm looking respectively" - Spixi   "maddox would not be caught dead winks in a country club" - Hannah   "this may be stupid but I am a little stupid" - Rhui
Report Date
06 Jan 2024