Session 18 Recap

General Summary

Our session starts on the 20th of Eleasis with the party landing on Toril, docking at the port of Waterdeep. The Admiral of the Deepwater Navy pulls Captain over to their headquarters for paperwork and provides him with a docking permit and a map of the region. Laylin persuades the party to let her out of the brig and everyone make their way over to the Yawning Portal. In the tavern the party is met with a crowded and massive establishment. Durnan, the owner, quickly dismisses Captain as he walks forward and asks directly for information. After further persuasion from Laylin, he informs the group that they are looking for a town about 10 days by carriage from here called Nightstone and to rent transportation to visit Caravan Court. Punkin sees the rope that leads into the undermountain and immediatley tries to decend with it. Valkyrie thankfully pulls her back out and prevents the death of Punkin and then the party splits into 3 teams to inquire about Nightstone. Valkyrie and Rai meet a short human male named Timothy, his intoxicated personality took to them very quickly and conviences them to join him. He encourages them to make a party together and go explore the world. They continue to douse themselves in alcohol.   After several conversations are had and multiple tavern patrons are questioned, Punkin discovers a man in full plate armor standing watch in a door way. He seems reluctant to talk to her and after her multiple attempts of questioning he reveals he is a member of "The Talons of Talos". She begins to walk away but hears him whisper under his breath "Gotta keep your coin purse clutched around a tabaxi, no good cats..". This causes Punkin to be filled with rage and she tells the man off before going to the Captain and informing him of the Talos worshipers. When Captain asks the Owner, Durnan, if he can get into a fight in his tavern to which Durnan asks him and his group to leave. The Captain decides to declare his taste in the tavern by screaming "I don't want to be in a place that serves Talosian Scum!" and slams the door. A man congradulates Captain on his performance and introduces himself as Volo. Volo tries to recruit the party to help him search for his friend that has been missing. The Captain accepts but will help after they investigate Nightstone. They arrive to Caravan Court and ask for the fastest possible carraige to which they meet Antonio, with his custom carraige and his pair of Moorbounders they speed out of town and arrive in Nightstone only 4 days later.   Nearing the point of interest, a temple bell could be heard in the distrance. Constantly ringing as they approach the bridge to this walled village, able to notice the damages done to the courtyard. Boulders slammed into the village as if they rained from the sky and Goblins and Warg are pillaging the town. Quickly Rai, Punkin, Laylin, and Lottie engage in combat while Valkyrie flies towards the temple to turn off the bell. The Captain and Helion stay back and guard Antonio while quickly the girls while out half of their numbers before they have a moment to react, the others all gather up and with their only means of escape blocked off decide to try and take down the smallest one like animals backed into a corner. But as our Peggers have proven in that first moment of combat, the goblins stood no chance and all perished to their attacks. The one they managed to subdue and tie up revealed that he was told by his boss Hark the goblin to go into the town and take all the goods. Some of the villagers had ran into the nearby bat caves occupied by the goblins and were captured. After they were tortured Hark learned of the condition of the town and wanted all the goods to himself. During the interrogation done by Lottie, Valkyrie finds a pair of goblins messing with the bell. When she threatens them one of them stands their ground and tries to argue with Valkyrie, she slaughters one and throws the other onto the boulder Lottie tied the goblin being interrogated.    The party begins to investigate the town and searching for survivors and more goblins. As Punkin is looting the Nightstone Inn, Helion questions the actions of her. He expresses these people have been drove out of their home and being tortured in a cave, and it drives it closer to home knowing they are fellow members of his faith. Punkin explains that she is looting from the Inn, not homes, and the items here would belong to travelers not locals. When Helion begins to speak about those too are people being tortured Punkin brings up he had no problem killing the hobgoblins that surrendered if it meant saving the lives of humans. Rai steps in and mentions that was several months ago and to drop it, the whole group grows quite. Punkin goes away from the group and goes to the kitchen. There she finds a small female goblin named Gum-gum that is terrified and simply doing as she was told. Punkin determines she is no threat and tells her she will be safe if she stays with the other goblin in the square. This leads to the two of them running away and hiding. On the second floor Punkin finds a woman hiding, thinking Punkin is another goblin she fires a crossbow bolt at the door and Punkin comes in through the roof. She reveals her name to be Kella, a human woman that is a traveling monk. She had arrived just after the village was raided and as she was looking around the goblins came in. She was locked in this room fighting them off for 3 days. Punkin helps her out of the Inn and tells her Antonio can help her get to Waterdeep. Valkyrie goes to the Keep and looks inside, finding the remaining guards and citizens in the town as well as a recently deceased person on a table covered in cloth. It's revealed that she is the Lady of the town Lady Velrosa Nandar and perished when the cloud giants raided the city, they came from the sky and took the Nightstone, when the citizens tried to defend themselves the giants chucked boulders on the village. Valkyrie tells them she will have Antonio rush back to Waterdeep to send aid and the crew will rescue the captured villagers in the caves. She relays this over to the Captain, he decides there is no reason to wait and to head that way. Laylin and Punkin decide to protect Kella and Antonio on the way back to Waterdeep.   We start next session on the 24th of Eleasis, the party is about to enter the Goblin Hideout.


"Are you okay? Who hurt you?" - Jack   "She's more than just her tits captain" - Rai   "No I'm not." - Laylin   "Ya know, Babies can change..." - Helion   "Snap out of it, you fucking whore." - Rai   "I'm on a roof mother fucker." - Punkin
Report Date
02 Mar 2024