Session 19 Recap

General Summary

Our session begins on the 24th of Eleasis, the Peggers have made it to the entrance of the dripping caves. To the sight of a goblin hauling a sack full of corks to the cave only for it to be sliced in half and Valtish appearing before the crew as he was following them in hiding the whole time. The entrance is surrounded by thicket and foliage, a small hare pops it's head from a bush staring down the crew. Valtish uses his camouflage ability to stealth into the cavern first and scout it out. Directly after the cave opens up to its central cavern, Valtish takes note of the Goblins lined against the walls and a Ogre relaxing in a mud bath. Captain decided to just go in and announce to the cavern's residents that he is now the new ruler of them. The goblins explain that Hark is still their boss and he is in the back, the Ogre gets out of the mud bath and walks to Captain and challenges him by questioning his strength. Captain retorts by taking a full strike of the Ogre's club to the head and then proceding to slice the Ogre's dick off. He dies from shock and his partner who was just out of sight in a cluster of stalagmites comes to collect her lopped off member and depressingly return to the cluster. A goblin named Snigbat offers to take the crew over to where Hark is, however he quickly is sealed off in an alcove to be forgotten about. When the crew interacts with Hark it becomes apparent that a fight is bound to happen, Valtish acts quickly and from the ceiling warps hark to the ceiling and impale his sword straight into the goblin leader and cast fireball directly into his chest cavity. The full room is ingulfed in flame and all the enamies in the room are incenterated, but to their surprise a captive was being held in the corner room and was also burnt alive. Helion provides revivify to bring her back but the spell doesn't restore her extremely severe burns. She comes to and asks if the Lady Nander is safe, Valkyrie informs her of Lady Nanders passing. The lady in waiting Daphne Featherstone held her last bit of will to live in the safety of her Lady, once receiving the news she states she no longer wants to live. Captain decides to take her life and give her a quick death. Helion opposes this and questions what they are doing anymore.   The goblins come over to the group and ask what happened with their leader, Captain says he is currently sleeping and the goblins agree to take them to the hostages. However the crew is lead to a room under the control of a giant ooze monster that quickly grapples the Captain and engulfs him in the acidic body while it attacks the others. Suddenly the hare from earlier jumps out from hiding and transforms into an elven druid who quickly slashes and with some assistance from Rai takes out the ooze. While Valkyrie and Lottie take out all the goblins that tricked the party. Short moment later, the group finally locate the villagers, Morak Ur’gray is a dwarven male who speaks with Rai and explains a lot of them are worn down and will need assistance with returning to the town. Each party member assists those who need it on the hour distance back. Captain meanwhile has a conversation with the elven druid, she introduces herself as Daxiris and was checking in on the villagers and wanted to see to their saftey. While the villagers are being assisted back from the caves, Captain goes to the female Ogre and asks her to leave people alone and don't eat them. While arguing back and forth Helion fires a guiding bolt straight through the temple of the Ogre killing her instantly. He has a cold gaze when he looks to the Captain and says "there was no reasoning with her, it was the best choice."   The Peggers and the villagers return to Nightstone, they notice a small smoke stack coming from the center square. Valkyrie flies over to investigate and notices a group of people gathered in the square. She lands in front of them and asks who they are, a particular half elf man approaches her and states they are the new residents. When Valkyrie starts to message the Captain when the leader of the new residents stabs her in the beak. She staves off the paralyzing effect and calls the group to action. As the fight goes on Valtish activates his wild magic and through his bolt of lightning he creates an orb of pulsating blue radiance. The moment he looks at the orb, it shatters and creates a massive storm. He also creates a icy crown that grows from his head that can not be removed. They quickly dispatch the bandits and with the villagers returned once more they seek cover in the broken houses waiting for the storm to depart. Morak pulls Rai to the side once more and informs her there are three locations he would like them to go: Icewind Dale, Tribor, and Goldenfields. While some try to help repair the houses, Captain looks towards Helion and wonders if he should just try to shout and see if the cloud giants will come. To the absolute surprise of everyone, as he shouts towards the blacked out storm cloud filled sky, the lightning outlines a tower over a thousand feet in the sky. A staircase made of clouds spiral down and touch the ground. Captain looks at Helion and expresses his disbelief that it was successful. The crew head up the tower, Daxiris tagging along, and eventually make it to the top where a massive wizards tower sits, around 300 feet tall topped with a overly sized wizards hat. The first room they walk into is minimal with only a giant sized table and chair, decending from the second floor is a cloud giant wizard named Zephyros extends his greetings to members of the peggers. He believes them to be the chosen ones he forseen in his visions, and has offered to take them to their next location. Zephyros explains that in his visions he saw a group of adventurers that would come and restore the giant's ordinance. When Valkyrie asks how going on random missions will restore the ordinance Zephyros asks: "Do you deficate?". He rambles on about how just like pooping allows one to adventure, adventurers that go on missions have "plot" happen to them. The sky tower begins it's 10 day journey to Tribor.   The day of the last leg of travel in the wizards tower goes as dull and serene as the prior days. The party has either been watching the ground move by or watching Zephyros feed his "sky cats" which are a bunch of griffons. Suddenly a Silver Dragon flies up to the tower with a battalion of Dwarves perched on its claws, the dragon pulls away as the Dwarves parachute off and land at the entrance to the tower. The Dwarves are clad in pitch black plate male covered in spikes, each wielding dual battle axes and a heavy crossbow on their back. The Dwarf in the back of the party had two massive war drums attached to his armor and started aggressively drumming the moment he landed, this caused the spikes on everyone to glow red hot. Rai can identify they are speaking an old dialect of dwarvish, they say operation orb shatter is underway. Quickly combat begins. Two of the Dwarves slide their shields under the feet of another to fling the one weilding a heavy crossbow and fired a bolt across the room at Valkyrie. Another Dwarf sprints up the back of another and launches over them to cleave into Rai. Valtish identifies this is a challenging encounter and flips the crystal shard in his sword and proceeds to summon a being that can only be discribed as a cruel and blood thirsty lesser deity. It immedialy starts slaughtering the dwarves left and right. Valtish vortex warps the drummer to the second teir of the tower causing the bolstering effect on the others to fizzle out, but unlike his vision of the griffons tearing him apart, the deity warps to the second floor and incenerates him to a puddle. The battle turned tides quickly as now the Peggers have an overwhelming upperhand and watch as each dwarf one by one is taken down by this being of hatred. One dwarf is murdered too quickly for the deities pleasure so it ressurects the dwarf to murder him a second time. Valtish grows a bit of fear of his doing and swears to never allow that thing return. As the last dwarf turns around and jumps from the tower retreating from his task. The deity soars after him, not yet sated, and slaughters him with radiant flames. The battle is decided and the summand being tells Valtish next time will be more violence, black ooze tendrils emerge and pull him in.    We pick up next session with the party arriving above Tribor on the 4th of Eleint.

Missions/Quests Completed



"I'm also a midly accomplished assassin" - Valtish   "They're in a cave diggin for gold... got it." - Valtish   "I'd like to cut his dick off." - Captain Rolfe of the Planetary Express   "Her pussy ignited first.." - Valkyrie   "I know I got good puss but my memes are better." - Hannah   (As ghost) "Nice to meet you Madam, uhm Captain.." - Helion   "Hey the stuff falling from the sky is like water" - Valkyrie   "I really didn't think that would work." - Captain
Report Date
16 Mar 2024