Session 2 Recap

The session starts with our crew notified by Laylin of a job opportunity in the Mid City at The Royal Theatre Company. Valtish is led away by Punkin in search of the perfect croissant, but makes certain to cook a breakfast and lunch box for the party in his absence. On the Captain's orders the remaining crew heads towards the R.T.C when Spixi receives a message to visit the Mages' Guildhall for a job opportunity. Spixi meets with the leader of the guildhall, Kaiber Ultram, and as a result of her interview earns a part time job and gains access to a membership there as well.   The crew meets with Korrin the Spark at the front of the R.T.C and brings them inside to prep for their play. The lead actor, Toldair Vapor, unfortunately lost his voice after... practicing the night prior. He greets the group and thanks Laylin for being able to help out on such short notice. Once Spixi rejoins the group Toldair welcomes his reading buddy and has 4 members of the group perform: Rhui, Rai, Spixi, and Laylin. The play goes over astoundingly well and the crew receives a large sum for a payout. Now able to afford it, Captain Rolfe decides it's time to depart from Bral and head for the scrap job near Gorntun.    A view of the plush velvet sky flew by. The stars were crystals twinkling in the empty misty sky. And as the members of the Planetary Express make their way towards Gorntun a rare encounter takes place. A blessing of 7 unicorns appears before the ship. Merely asking if they can be of aid. They lead the ship directly to the crash site they are searching for. After a few hours the party loads up as much of the cargo as they can from the crash site, and salvages a few cannon balls.    Their first mission proper as a crew nearly completed, Captain Rolfe pilots the ship towards Bral for their largest reward yet. Spixi has some difficulty navigating with the Astral Fog building up, obscuring the vision of the ship's crew deck. And yet she knew something was off, as gargantuan limbs begin to enclose on the Planetary Express. Captain Rolfe and the crew are to bear witness to the endless void of row and row of spiraling teeth belonging to a Cosmic Horror. Negotiation with the elder being proves fruitless and a defensive escape takes place. Its tendrils try and latch on to the haul but repeated fire from Rai causes it to release the ship from its grasp. A blessing from Helion empowers Captain Rolfe, giving him further strength to fight. A powerful strike directly to the chest plate causes the captain and Helion to both go down. But soon the tide changes, the Cosmic Horror begins to withdraw, but the party will not give up. And on the last shot takes down this ancient being. Spending the next day harvesting it to the ship's maximum capacity before continuing their journey to Bral.