Session 20 Recap

General Summary

Our session starts on the 4th of Eleint, the Peggars share a view with Zephyros of Triboar from the birds eye view of the tower. As the captain inquires as to how the crew will get down Zephyros flicks him off the tower. As he was falling from the sky, cloud pulled around him and became a parachute. The others followed in suit. Entering Triboar they can notice that the townsfolk are all heading toward a plume cloud that casts out the southern sky. Captain grabs the attention of a passerby and asks what has happened only to get the comment of: "Better not be talkin to me darkie." This sets the tone of the town as multiple people either completely ignore him or look at him with hate. It's identified that the silo on the farm has suddenly exploaded and the earth around it has been dug up. The townsfolk investigate the cause but the party can catch the glimpse of Laylin sneaking away from her crash landing the Planetary Express. Lottie tells the Captain she can sneak on the ship and move it away. Valkyrie puts her in time out while the Captain is approached by a small dwarven child who mentions he is very big. While they play together, Helion is approached by a villager needing someone to help with his gout. Without hesitation he gives the man treatment then asks if the town has a cleric or place of healing. He learns of the local apothecary run by a man named Tarmock Felaskur, a small time medicinal remediator who is known for his "sweet water". Helion, with some troublesome directions, locates the shack of a shop and inside finds musty herbs lined on shelves with a whole section filled with wire corked bottles of sweet water. The owner deeply sleeping his afternoon away is made awake by the Morninglord and is questioned on what sweet water is and how he makes it. Tarmock is taken back by the intensity of Helion and gives in, showing him the natural carbinated spring in his shed that he bottles up and sells for a large profit. Lathanders chosen threatens the man that he will burn the building down if he keeps up the lie.   Captain and the others are approached by the Lord Protector of the town Darathra Shendrel, she informs the group that the townsfolk here have had a history of being attacked by Drow and have grown a distaste for them. She suggests the captain puts the child down in order to keep peace and follow her to the Protectors building for a request. Inside, she mentions the village worships a local god Gwaeron Windstrom (a god of tracking and hunting) and their god is said to pay visits from time to time to the forest on the edge of town. However as of late, Gwaeron has been taking the lives of hunters as payment for his bountiful blessing. The locals believe this to be all too true but Darathra thinks this is something sentient using the guise of the god and his forest as the creatures hunting grounds. She asks Captain to go investigate the area and find evidence, but if they find a monster kill it and bring its head. Captain agrees to the quest and tells the others to ready nearby at dusk, it's at this moment that Laylin remembers Punkin left the group and informs the rest of the party. Captain heads to Everwyvern House to think for a bit before dusk and with the party together they head into the forest together. Crows surround the party in the branches above and when Valkyrie tries to scare them off they fly away only for a moment then stare harder. Around a half hour into the woods with no sign of a monster darkness surrounds the party and when the spell stops Captain is gone. Teleported into a 10ft hole in the ground he sees a fairy with vivid yellow eyes peering down at him, before the fairy has time to react however Captain starlight steps to the surface and asks what the meaning of this is. Revealing herself to be Kiera Ó'Ceallaigh, and long ago during his time with Talos he killed her parents.    The others however get involved with a fight with an Oni, a giantkin that was using the woods to eat people. The fight carries out as he continues to grow in size and power. It also casts darkness on the group and has the upper hand but they manage to take it down and bind it. When they wake him up they try to question him, asking what it's goal is and if it will stop. Realizing it is pointless to try reasoning with it they slice it's head off and return to the town. They return, the new Fairy following, and give the head to Darathra. She rewards the crew and allows them to stay at the Everwyvern House free of charge, this is when Captain finds out from Laylin that the girls he has been speaking with were escorts. Three bedrooms are available, Captain rooms with Laylin and ties her up for the night. But when morning comes and the pleasant country morning noises are drowned out by screams and a voice shouting "Giants! Run!", Captain begins frantically undoing the rope. They exit the inn to find a small military force of Magmin, Orogs, and Orcs riding Axebeaks led by two Fire Giants.    A battle insues, full war takes place and the Peggers are the main force the village has at surviving. They can see a handfull of other villagers like Darathra also fighting the enemies but aren't near as strong as our adventurers. While slaying magmin and seeing them explode and the sheer overwhelming numbers of troops continue to attack, Peggers decide to retreat. But with nowhere to run and being struck down when attempting it one by one our crew members start to fall. Captain evades many blows and stands strong to his opponents but a single boulder throw from a fire giant crushes some of his ribs and wrecks his armor. Valkyrie tries to reason with one of the Fire Giants, to see if they can come to a peaceful end but only learn that they are looking for a lost artifact. Helion goes down, his ghost stands up and keeps fighting. But at an astonishing 4 hit points left he possesses the Fire Giant and commands the troops to stop. This move alone prevented the deaths from many lives. The other Giant approaches and asks for what reason has he ordered a halt when they still have small folk in the way. Helion convinces the giant to let the Peggers aid in locating the articact and start at the center of town where their devices finally mark it's location, under the Lord Protectors residence. The Fire Giants tear it down and dig up what looks to be a 11' band of pure ademantium belonging to a construct called Vonindod. Helion moves out of the Fire Giant heavily exhausted and retreats into the woods with the rest of the party and enters his body. Multiple villagers, including the Lord Protector come forward and thank the group for their assistance and ask for further help, giving them a total of 6 more quests to do.    We start back on the mornign of the 6th of Eleint, the group has just awoken from a partailly standing Everwyvern House.


"Regenerative properties, regenerative properties!" - Rai   "Look until you can't see, then go that way." - Helion   "Go ahead and introduce yourself to the group, just to get it out there I killed her mother." - Captain   "OH.. he won't.. fit.." - Valkyrie   "A lil slappy slappy makes daddy happy ;)" - Laylin   "Good Girl." - Captain   "Mmm, listen, I've seen a lot of size difference stuff..." - Misty   "THEY'RE HOOKERS?!?! BEGON THOTS!!!" - Captain   "Cut the rope you idiot!" - Kiera   "No! It's good rope!" - Captain   "It's so odd that things suseptable to flame would pair up with things that deal flaming damage." - Misty
Report Date
30 Mar 2024