Session 22 Recap

General Summary

Our session begins on the 6th of Eleint, with our adventurers reuniting with the Captain, Laylin, and Kiera. The Captain takes a moment to joyfully lift and spin Spixi, while the other crew members advise Harshnag against speaking to Laylin. Harshnag informs the crew that he will stay outside the city limits and asks them to fetch him once they have concluded their business within the city. Nestled on the banks of the Rauvin River, Everlund stands as one of the North's bustling mercantile hubs. Encircled by a robust stone wall with five gates, broad avenues extend from each gate like spokes to the Bell Market at the city's heart. The streets are clean, spacious enough for large caravans, and patrolled by the city's soldiers who provide reassurance and deter potential threats. Everlund's buildings are dignified and well-kept, with sharply angled roofs and high spires adorned with vibrant banners. Two bridges cross the river, flanked by parks and foliage. The group finds Danivarr’s House and presents the badge they received from Darathra to Dral Thelev, the one-eyed half-orc owner. He invites them upstairs for an explanation of how they came by the badge. After recounting the events in Triboar, Dral opens a flask of what he claims to be Silverymoon's finest elven wine, serving it in small wooden cups. When Lottie drinks, she instantly vanishes, transported to a parlor within Moongleam Tower, the Harpers' stronghold in Everlund. Dral then reveals the elixir's magical properties, anticipating the others will soon join her.   The crew, one by one, takes a sip and arrives at Moongleam Tower. The tower's parlor, adorned with austere furnishings, is home to a dozen docile, domesticated tressym that act like house cats. Upon the party's arrival, Krowen Valharrow, the tower's resident archmage, makes his appearance. The eccentric old wizard enters the parlor after the Peggers, greeting them exuberantly. He dismisses Laylin as cursed and unworthy, and Keira as Fey scum. After receiving the party's information, he escorts Spixi to a room. This room, cylindrical in shape, boasts numerous arcane inscriptions on its walls and ceiling, with a complex sigil at its base forming a teleportation circle. Krowen reveals that this circle links to various locations along the Sword Coast, utilized by the Harpers for regional travel and the exchange of survey notes. He permits the Peggers to use these circles for teleportation until further notice from the Harpers. As the party deliberates on Harshnag's entry into town, Krowen notes that one of them has already used the circle. It's then they realize Helion is missing. The Captain discovers a letter in his pocket, indicating Helion's departure due to a moral divergence with the group. Overcome with emotion, the Captain withdraws to the ship, followed by Kiera and Lottie, while the rest inform Harshnag of their new transportation method. The Captain, seeking a private word with Lottie, expresses the pain of losing crewmates and his need for self-reflection. He relinquishes his title to Lottie and attempts to court her, only to be rejected. Kiera and Valkyrie observe in silence. Reunited and resolute, the team sets off for Noanar's Hold to deliver saddles to Narth Tezrin.   While on the road the party hears a familiar voice shouting after them, Tehmoathieey the human male stumbles up to the group proclaiming his relief for finally finding his crew. He explains he's simply been running after the Peggers since they've left Waterdeep. That was except for the bit where he was picked up by a red dragon and carried for an unknown distance until a massive bolt was embedded into the chest of the dragon and let go of Tehmoathieey, he survived the landing and arrived to Triboar just after the Peggers had left then traveled until he was picked up by a massive flood of water filled with bodies. But after all of that he is still thankful to be reunited with his allies. The Peggers continue in their journey with a few days behind them, they notice a battlefield with many barbarian warriors dead on the field along with a pair of Frost Giants that have also perished. They note a figure standing on the chest of one of the giants pulling a longsword out. The figure becomes aware of their presence and greets them. He hops down from the dead giant and introduces himself as Rayabilly Tashun, he's recently become an adventurer and came across this battlefield and was checking it out. He asks if he can tag along with the party.   Approaching the midpoint of our journey to Noanar's Hold, Harshnag abruptly stops the carriage, warning the Peggers of encroaching Fire Giants. Suddenly, a tree soars past the group, thrown by a duo of Fire Giants flanked by two Fire Elementals who burst onto the road. A boulder flies straight at Rai, but Tehmoathieey shoves her aside just in time, declaring his action as one of love—not romantic, but platonic. In the ensuing battle, Harshnag enters a frenzied rage, severing a Fire Giant's arm, plunging his hand into the gaping wound to grasp the shoulder blade, then crushing the giant's knee with a stomp and beheading the fallen foe. Meanwhile, the other giant seizes the moment to bring down his greatsword, bisecting Rayabilly. As his body slides off the blade, Laylin attempts to heal him, and failing that, shibari binding the halves together, hoping for a miracle. Tehmoathieey reveals a hidden weapon, cocking a bolt action lever on his prosthetic leg to shoot a bullet the size of an elephant gun from his heel. Rai, bewildered, demands to know why he never mentioned his leg could fire bullets, but he's too baffled to reply. Rising to her feet, Rai's eyes blaze with golden light as she channels sunlight into her gun, unleashing a brilliant ray that strikes down the last giant standing.   The aftermath of the battle is seen with the acceptance of Rayabilly's death as Harshnag digs graves for the fallen. At the same time, Spixi tries to ask Rai what happens during the fight with her eyes and gun. Spixi identified the gun and knew it wasn't something the gun was capable of, so she identifies Rai to notice nothing abnormal about her. Spixi decides to cast detect magic and immediately vomits on Rai from the massive wall of palpable ancient magic stands just behind Rai. Spixi cautiously warns the group what's going on and Rai claims she doesn't know what it could be as the wall of magical aura moves closer to Rai and makes Spixi fatigued to look at. After a moment spixi sticks her hand into the wall and feels warmth with the touch of another hand touching hers and then the wall dissipates, Spixi comes up with the idea to try dispelling the magic that conceals the unknown creature.   As the party continued along the trail, they encountered a roadblock where a Hill Giant and several Orcs were scavenging for food. Harshnag lifted Keira in his palm and approached them, slamming his axe into the ground to split the earth before them as he translated for Keira. She requested safe passage, which the Hill Giant and Orcs granted, seemingly intimidated by Harshnag's display, though he credited Keira's persuasive skills. They returned to the cart just in time for Rai to feel warmth again. Spixi attempted to cast dispel magic, sensed a counterspell, and countered it with her own. This revealed a sun-worn man named Larry the Human, with whom Rai had formed a pact and a personal relationship. Spixi and Rai then argued, with Spixi feeling betrayed by Rai's secrecy. Larry decided to observe from afar and departed. Lottie took Rai aside, urging her to disclose any undisclosed abilities, stressing the need for full knowledge to strategize effectively for the crew. Rai, defensive, insisted that Lottie was not her captain despite her current role. Undeterred, Lottie emphasized the importance of transparency for the crew's strategy. Rai dismissed the concern, and they completed their journey to Noanar's Hold.   Noanar's Hold is a fortified Dwarven city built into the side of a mountain. A long stone bridge 80ft wide and 600ft long leads the carriage to the entrance of the Hold, columns of inlaid stone with lava flowing down the channels stand on either side of the entrance. They approach and are told that only Dwarves are allowed into the city, Rai goes in on her own and delivers the saddles to Amrath Mulnobar and leaves the city after taking note of the mine cart railways and the entrance to the Underdark.   Heading back to Everlund, the party notes a side path winding up the road from the woods and the brief moment of a cabin is in view. Some of the members are interested in it but when Lottie asks if it was worth pulling over for Rai jumps off the carriage in defiance. Rai, Spixi, and Laylin head up to the cabin to investigate. The outside of the house seems to show nothing of concern, a garden a bit overgrown and a carriage with no horses. Spixi casts detect magic and notices a spell casted on the doorknob to the entrance of the house. Looking through the window they see a fireplace not lit and some beds. Laylin opens the door and the magic on the doorknob dissipates they find the grim sight of a family of four deceased at the dinner table mid meal. Maybe a few weeks old, the girls begin to search the room when they hear the creaking steps of someone ascending from the cellar. A charming gentleman in a blue cloak is holding a bottle of wine when he looks at the girls and says: "There's a saying to pick your poison, but for this family that seems to be far from the case."   Our next session begins on the 19th of Eleintwith the party split, some roadside waiting for the other trio that have just encountered a suspicious figure in a cabin.


"Ya lookin to add a third?" - Hannah   "Well, I'm soft and plyable... and bendy...Imma twisty tie." - Hannah   "Who's gonna give me my weekly STD test?" - Laylin   "He's not leaving, he's just giving up." - Kiera   "Who's got the spray water for Laylin?" - Lottie   "I gotta shoot my shot." - Captain   *Wimpers* - Hannah   "The captain can't go through this again... come on!" - Laylin   "It's that thing that gets rid of the dark." - Lottie   "I'm out this bitch." - Helion   *summons chair* - Kiera   "I would like to speak at his grave about the sadness of cannon faughter." - Kiera   "You might be the captain, but you're not my captain." - Rai   "Everyone needs their first major disapointment as a healer." - Lottie   "I realized he was really dead when I was straddling him and he didn't wake up." - Laylin   "It's about fifteen feet under water." - Harshnag   "THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU FUCKING TELL ME YOU BITCH" - Spixi *flailing*   "Why didn't you tell meeee?" - Rai *Mockingly*   "He's just gonna butt fuck you." - Jack   "He's got a jawline like a bicycle seat, and I'm looking to go for a ride." - Hannah
Report Date
27 Apr 2024