Session 23 Recap

General Summary

On the 19th of Eleint, our session begins with the revelation that the stranger in the murder cabin is Nilkaus Alkahest. He was there, likely for the same reason as the Peggers: to investigate the cabin. He deduced the wine was poisoned by its scent and hue. Spixi bombards him with questions, while Rai wards off Laylin's flirtations with Niklaus. The group examines the family's possessions, discovering the husband's ring in his pocket, not on his finger. Niklaus inspects the fireplace and finds a charred letter revealing a jilted lover of the husband as the poisoner. Introductions with Niklaus follow, and it's revealed he belongs to the Mages' Guildhall on the Rock of Bral and has been reporting to Kaiber Ultram about the Nightstone. Niklaus agrees to accompany the party in their quest for the Nightstone. Guided by Harshnag's expertise, they return to Everlund, dispatching some barbarians en route.   Harshnag causes issue at the gate, the guardsmen of the city gather at the entrance and declare that he turns around or face their steel. But they were unprepared for the Frost Giant to scoop them up and sit them on a roof and dismiss them like ants while he picks up Rai, Keira, and Spixi and rushes with the others to the Moongleam Tower where they quickly sprint inside and teleport to Mirabar. Appearing in a hayloft the party is met with the Harper Mage, Zazspar Bronzefire the Shield Dwarf, is caught off guard by the sudden Frost Giant bursting through his roof. Harshnag apologizes, pays, and runs away for later meet up.   Mirabar, the most northern settlement in all of the Sword Coast. Mirabar is the richest city of the North by far. It sits atop a knoll on the north side of the Mirar River like an unassailable fortress, enclosed on all sides by sloped outer walls as wide at the base as many cities blocks in Waterdeep. Defenders can fire arrows down from atop the walls, or, in winter, pour water down them to make ice slides. There is no shortage of stone and weaponry. Even the docks have battlements and fortifications. The Peggers swiftly make their way to a supplier to load up on as many rations as they can carry. With two bags of holding brimming with provisions and Harshnag carrying a substantial share, the group shifts their attention to acquiring suitable equipment for the severe climate ahead. After spending five days in Mirabar for the completion of Captain's bespoke armor, they embark on a trek that proves to be more challenging than anticipated.   It only takes a ten-day for the Peggers to travel from Mirabar to the base of The Spine of The World. While traveling through the mountains, the party encounters a Cloud Giant Castle headed in the same direction they are. Harshnag warns them that the castle could belong to Countess Sansuri, a Cloud Giant who is trying to ascend the Ordning and would not hesitate to destroy anyone who gets in her way. The party decides to avoid drawing attention to themselves and continues on their journey. The group avoided drawing attention to themselves and proceeded into the mountain pass. The weather was cold with a clear sky and minimal wind. Kiera decided to take up hunting and foraging for extra rations. Each day, she took a few hours to survey the area for tracks or markings. The party encountered a battlefield that had been dormant for several decades. A dense fog covered the ground, and a spectral figure appeared and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Spixi cast Detect Magic and learned that the ground was unholy and empowered the undead. She perceived dozens of figures emerging from the fog and warned the others, who withdrew. As they continued forward, Spixi glanced back and beheld hundreds of figures standing in the fog. The Peggers continued their journey through the Spine of the World mountains. The temperature dropped, the wind increased, and the skies remained clear. Members of the crew began exhibiting signs of exhaustion. They rounded a corner on a narrow path and saw a hovering mote of earth with a fortified tower on top. A reflective light was caught just moments before a powerful beam of energy was fired from the tower towards the ledge where the Peggers were standing. Tehmoathieey lost his footing and fell into the crevasse. Harshnag jumped off the ledge to catch him and threw him to safety. Kiera acted quickly and Vortex Warped Harshnag back onto the ledge while the others sprinted away from the tower.   The temperature holds, the wind holds, and the sky remains clear. Unknown to the Peggers, the party stumbles into a wild magic patch and all members trigger an event. Kiera glows blinding bright, Flumps appear around Rai and touch her, Captain confuses the others, Harshnag jumps off a cliff and teleports above the crew, and Tehmoathieey starts ascending into the sky claiming his people needed him. Niklaus and Captain fist fight each other in the confusion but are blinded by Kiera and Niklaus was made resistant to all damage by the wild magic. The party is fatigued as they trudge through the snow and wind. Harshnag points out a man-of-war ship on the peak of the mountain ridge. Spixi's arcane detection reveals that the ship was teleported there many years ago. The party camps in the ship for the day. Exhaustion holds. The temperature holds, the wind increases, and the snow increases. At the base of the valley the Peggers come across a cave, they learn it's a crystal cave and decide it's ultimately best to continue on. Exhaustion continues. The temperature holds, the wind holds, and the snow holds. The party continues on, moving through the pass until they reach a point where the mountain had collapsed and covered the trail. While discussing the need to turn back and pick another route, the fog returns and seeps from the rubble on the blockade. The group quickly retreats from it to avoid conflict. Exhaustion continues. The temperature increases, the wind increases, and the snow increases. Almost causing another blockade, the party encounters a massive crystal protruding from the side of the cliff. Niklaus examines it and notes that there is a gargantuan creature inside. Spixi notes that it is generating Universal Magic. Harshnag identifies it to be an Elder Tempest, a living embodiment of storms and maelstroms. Its only reason for existence is to create powerful weather that wrecks nature to create anew. He advises to steer clear of it and continue, to which everyone agrees.   As the party continues their journey, they encounter increasing challenges. Lottie and Tehmoathieey slow down, overcome by numbness and exhaustion. The temperature drops, the wind holds, and the snow continues to fall. They decide to take a couple of days to rest in Spixi's tiny hut. Shortly after they set out again, all the spell casters in the group experience a loss of their connection to magic, as they have entered a dead magic zone. Kiera's appearance changes, taking on a slightly off and more sinister cast than before, but not completely unlike that of a porcelain doll. Spixi and Rai were already unable to contact their partners, but now it is even more stressful to know that over half the party is traveling without their abilities. After another five days of travel, the dead zone ends, and their powers return. Rai controls her emotions as the warmth of Larry the Human envelops her. Exhaustion persists. The temperature remains low, the wind increases, and the snow becomes a whiteout. Unexpectedly, another wild magic surge occurs among the crew. Spixi glows with a blinding light, Tehmoathieey grows 6 inches in height but is nearly catatonic from exhaustion, Lottie grows a beard of feathers, and Rai's hair and beard fall out. Although her hair will grow back within 24 hours, Rai does not know this. Tehmoathieey awakens to the sound of her panicking, reaches out feebly, and offers her his hat, reassuring her that she looks lovely either way. She accepts and declares that she will wear it until he dies.   Exhaustion holds. The temperature raises, the wind holds, and the snow holds. The party was exhausted, and their rations were running low. They spotted a plume of steam emanating from the side of a cliff and discovered a healing hot spring. They rested and considered remaining until everyone had fully recovered. However, Spixi reminded them that they had already consumed half of their rations, and continuing could mean the difference between life and death. The party continued their journey and eventually reached the last mountain ridge of their trip. They noticed a forest of petrified trees, which provided a welcome respite from the wind. They camped for the night and then continued forward. Exhaustion continues. The temperature holds, the wind holds, and the snow holds. Harshnag led the party as they reached the final mountain ridge of their journey. He carried Lottie and Tehmoathieey in his hand. Tehmoathieey took the opportunity to express his deep friendship for Rai and his desire that she consume his remains upon his death. Their heartfelt conversation was interrupted by Harshnag, who pointed out that they were entering a dragon graveyard. He explained that this is where dragons go at the end of their lives to perish away from mortal hands that would desecrate their corpses. He warned that such a place could easily contain skeletal dragons or even worse, Draco-Lich. Fortunately, the party was able to depart stealthily without attracting attention.   Exhaustion holds. The temperature drops, the wind holds, and the snow holds. Roffe is beginning to fear that they might actually die on these mountains. At that moment, Kiera spots a portal, a planar rift that could lead anywhere in the multiverse. Hesitation grips the party, but Spixi casts Warp Sense to determine that the portal leads to somewhere on the Material Plane and also learns that it is a one-way portal. This information solidifies the party's decision to continue their mission and avoid the portal. As the party presses on, they continue to experience exhaustion. The temperature drops, the wind increases, and the snow continues to fall. During the white out conditions and with wind so strong that they need to scream to communicate, the party almost bumps into a large boulder that was blended into the landscape. Three faces move around and meet the gaze of the group. A face of anger, a face of joy, and a face of neutrality. They in unison say, "Watch out" and Spixi casts her Detect Magic, she sees transformation magic casted on the boulder. Spixi casts Dispel Magic on the boulder, which fractures and increases in size, revealing its true form. It has multiple heads with long, sinuous necks, featureless faces, and pallid white skin. The creature resembles a hydra, but something about it appears false. The False Hydra turned away from the party and began descending the mountain, much to their astonishment. The party was too exhausted to fight, so they rallied and continued their journey.   Our session ended on the 28th of Uktar. The party stands before the entrance of the Eye of the All-Father. The entrance is a 40-foot-wide, naturally formed stone causeway with sheer cliffs plunging hundreds of feet on both sides. The party must decide whether to enter the unknown or turn back.


*mouth full of pizza* "We are all the worst friends... and we get together." - Emmie   "is this mole normal?" - Hannah   "I'm not there, I'm with the dead horses." - Hannah   "Oh, the mistress killed everyone??" - Lottie   "I mean you can put a dick in it if you want to, I'll suck it off." - Sarah   *singing* "Oregon trail but cold!" - Keira   *singing* "I just wanna get socks" - Keira   "Oh hey, I can also make soy sauce if that makes it any better." - Niklaus   "I got salt water if you're feeling adventurous." - Niklaus   "I would deffinetly kill hognose, cus I have no clue who the fuck he is." - Spixi   "Rai starts crying." - Rai
Report Date
11 May 2024
Primary Location