Session 24 Recap

General Summary

Our session starts on the 28th of Uktar, the Peggers all present decide to enter the Eye of the All Father. Hashnag explains the lore of how the temple was constructed by all giant races. The evidence shown in the 6 pillars representing each race. They enter the temple note it's massive size, and immediatly point out the 40 ton slab of rock above them rigged to have pressure plates trigger it's release. They avoid the trap and hear the sounds of others further in, the owners of the footprints outside. Our party encounters a group of Uthgardt berserkers, their leader giving commands to break open the door. A white dragon wyrmling enslaved at his side and a shaman woman being used as their guide. The boss of the group was hostile to the our Peggers and instigated a fight. The party makes quick work of them, and while trying to convince the dragon to side with them, it was decapitated by Harshnag from his hatrid of dragons. He then opens the doors to the temples inner sanctum, breaking the build up of ice that kept the doors shut.   Thick frost clings to every surface of this 100-foot-high vaulted chamber. Seven enormous statues dominate the room. The largest of them is an 80-foot-tall robed giant, his arms outstretched and his face hidden beneath a stony cowl, facing a glowing archway in the east wall. Kneeling in rows to each side of this statue are six statues half its size, each impressive in its own right and depicting a paragon of a type of giant: hill, stone, frost, fire, cloud, and storm. These smaller statues face the bigger one in the room’s center. In their outstretched arms, five of the giants hold weapons — gifts for their All-Father. Only the frost giant statue is unarmed. Harshnag explains that only giants can wield the weapons, and only the weapon that belongs to their race. He knows that it can't leave the temple so it must be elsewhere. They need the axe because it activates the archway. The archway is 40 feet wide and 40 feet tall. Six different runes are carved into it, each one inlaid with mithral, and a glowing mist fills the arch. Niches in the walls on either side of it contain empty, ice-covered sconces made of iron. This leads to the Chamber of the Oracle.    They head south, opening the massive doors to a room that billows out warmth, a massive brazier in the center of the room releasing natural gas creating a perpetual flame. Kiera get's excited she can finally unfurl her wings and flies around the room waking up the Remorhaz that was tucked into the corner. It thrashes out believing the room to be its own den and our Peggers leap to battle, Captain takes the most damage as the furnace like heat the Remorhaz gives off burns his skin and makes his armor an oven. They slay the bug and locate the Axe. The large axe weighing 750lbs is even a struggle for harshnag to easily carry but he manages and they return to the temple room. And with returning the axe to it's rightful statue, the archway opens. Harshnag suggests they hurry because it only works for a certain amount of time and when it closes you're trapped on the other side.   One by one the crew members all go through the archway. Beyond the thundering archway lies a hexagonal chamber whose walls rise 50 feet before tapering to a 90-foot-high apex. Standing in each corner of the room is a life-size statue of a giant holding up a heavy, iron lantern with one raised arm. Each type of giant is represented: hill, stone, frost, fire, cloud, and storm. A cold, magical light radiates from each lantern, illuminating a giant humanoid standing in the center of the room silently. Whisps of crackling purple energy shroud him like a cloak. Once they've all entered the room the figure finally looks to them and addresses them as the Peggers with a pause of hesitation. The Oracle claims they shouldn't be here and it was fated to be another adventuring group that was meant to arrive here with Harshnag. The room is filled with confusion as the Oracle uses his abilities granted by Annam to watch fate. He comes to the conclusion that the Time Dragon messed with fate and caused a ripple effect that not even the Oracle can detect. He claims that it was the Peggers job to be protecting Bral and not here in Faerun.    The Oracle tells the party he is able to answer 6 questions with his divine blessing, any questions asked must be answered. Laylin starts by asked if he can fuck, to which he replied he can though never has. Kiera asks a personal question, to which he said he is unable to see it with divine sense. Spixi asks what is happening on Bral, which he explains is a revolt happening and a shift of power. The Prince of Bral has declared he wants to cut all ties to the nobility that reside on Bral and give the Rock back to the people like it was founded to be. Prince Andru has requested the Mages' Guildhall to erect a barrier around Bral to prevent the Nobles from fleeing and has ordered they be hunted down by common folk, left for Marshal law. Harshnag asks how he can find King Hekaton, and the Oracle replies that he must seek out princess Serissa in Maelstrom. And when Spixi asks what is the fastest route to Bral from here the Oracle declares a test of strength, an insurance that the Peggers are ready for what is to come and ready to make sacrifices.   The battle begins, the Oracle declares there will be no homebrew rules and requested everyone to fight at once and chose the order to have them fight in. Once the combat starts they learn he is able to negate any spell that requires dextarity and resistant to psychic damage. He starts his turn by both verbally and physically laying into Captain by telling him to take charge and prove he was meant to lead the ship like his god intended. Then moved over to Rae and doing the same told her she needed to have self validation first and stop relying on external forms in the way of male partners. He moved on to Valtish and told him that there are many famous spellcasters that are warriors and each of them rose to fame by their own abilities and to for Valtish to stop hiding his. And until he does the title he wears is nothing but a weightless badge. Before he can go to anyone else the Peggers manage to best him. Per his word he reveals a place in the High Moor known as Orogoth, there is a rift there that is a planar gate to the Feywild, from there you'll need to go to the Nine hells and finally to Kraagstrux. That is the quickest passage if the time warp in the Feywild isn't too terrible.   They thank the Oracle for the answers, Laylin tries to return the favor to with no luck. And they leave the chamber. They return to the temple to the sound of the crunch of frost under heavy feet as an enormous blue dragon bursts through the main doors of the temple. This ancient blue dragon fixes it's gaze on the party and the moment that Harshnag returns and sets eyes on the dragon he screams at the party to run away as he lunges at the great creature. They take head and retreat out the front as fast as they can, leaving their ally behind. Outside the temple, the party addresses what to do with Tehmoathiee and decide it's best to leave him behind. Once Rae informs him of this the man of mystery begins to cry, he wishes to understand why they wont accept him. The moment presses on but the chances of a giant dragon trying to kill them bursting out the entrance of the temple at any moment grow higher and higher. Captain takes over the conversation and asks Tehmoathiee if he is familiar with the astral sea to which Tehmoathiee says yes, he read up a few lectures related to crystal sphere theory and was versed in Wildspaces. He mentions he used to live on Sigil and is better suited for Planar travel instead of astral travel. So with the help of Tehmoathiee of all people the party navigates through Faerun, Feywild, the Nine Hells, and finally arrive to the A.U.C in only a week.    They pass a Lunar Moth spelljammer who was piloted by a Astral Elf Commandar from Xaryxispace checking the A.U.C after leaked intel about Bral caused interest from the Queen. They arrive to Bral, the beautiful home they know and love crowded by spelljammers just outside the barrier waiting to get in. And the district filled with flame and smolders. After speaking with one of the spelljammers they learn that the Mages' Guildhall has locked their doors pleading neutrality to the conflict and no reports of any mages coming in or out of the building. Spixi messages Mercer requesting passage, he replies they've already been granted it.   We end our session on the 8th of Nightal, the Peggars have landed on Bral and prep to save the city and their loved ones.
Report Date
16 Jun 2024