Session 25 Recap

General Summary

Our session begins on the 8th of Nightal, the party disembarks from the Planetary Express and takes in the view of the docks. Most of the ships that were docked when the barrier was erected have been stripped of parts. A bombard spelljammer vessel is conspicuous, its reinforcement and excessive plating rendering it more fortress than ship. Unsure of where to begin their search, they decide to consult with the owner of the Happy Beholder, Large Luigi. Upon arrival, they find the establishment's front boarded up and a sign directing customers to the rear entrance. At the back, a sliding window on the door reveals a gruff-looking orc who inquires about the crew's intentions. After they express their desire to speak with Luigi, the bouncer grants them entry.   Inside, they discover patrons lounging or asleep on the floor, while the Beholder tavern owner glides by in a new dystopian outfit. His knowledge aligns closely with what the party has already uncovered: the Prince, in a fit of madness, commissioned the mages' guildhall to construct a barrier, then decreed the execution of all nobles. Since the event, the mages' guildhall has been sealed, with no one entering or leaving. Gifftown and The Burrows remain the only areas relatively unscathed. Luigi also discloses possession of an urn containing the ashes of nobles who perished near the Happy Beholder. Fortunately, to Luigi's knowledge, neither Kaiber nor Maddox has met their demise.   The group decides to make their way to The Burrows, opting for the quicker route through Gifftown. Along the way, Rae encounters an acquaintance from the shooting range and receives the somber news that, although Blastworth is actively defending the midcity, Tiny has fallen in the line of duty during the riots. Mourning the loss of Tiny, Rae expresses gratitude for the update and, with Spixi, guides the party through The Burrows. They observe notices affixed to various walls and doors outlining curfews and schedules for door-to-door food delivery. Intent on gathering information, they join the queue to consult with Underbarron Sandlefoot. In their meeting, Sandlefoot reveals that the Mages' Guildhall has shown interest in either an item in their possession or one of the party members, granting them entry. With limited knowledge to share, Sandlefoot conveys her inability to assist further, citing her duty to safeguard her community. Resolved, The Peggers conclude that their next course of action is to proceed directly to the Mages' Guildhall.   At the Mages' Guildhall, they observe that the building is immaculately maintained with no evidence of rioting. Spixi notices an illusion spell on the doorknob, and upon knocking, the door unlocks and swings open, granting them entry to the foyer. The receptionist's desk is unattended, and the room extends into a hallway beneath a balcony flanked by winding staircases descending to the main floor. The group ascends to the office, confronting Mercer La Doyenneoise. Spixi inquires about her family's whereabouts. Mercer, ignoring her initially, continues to sort his papers and tidy his desk. Only then does he look up, feigning shock at the visit from the "famed whore of the inner circle." In response, Rae levels her pistol at him, and the Captain presses his blade against Mercer's throat. Unperturbed by their hostility, the acting President of the Guildhall resumes his dialogue with Spixi. The dialogue is stagnant, with Mercer taunting Spixi over her genuine worries for her family's safety. Spixi declares she will not depart until she can hold her child, to which Mercer retorts that he could offer a finger or an entire hand. This provokes Spixi to clamber across the desk and strike him. Mercer assures that after completing his research, he will return Maddox, Kaiber, and Daxior unscathed. The Arch Wizard warns that any attempt on his life would be futile, as he has made Daxior into a phylactery, and Mercer's demise would consume Daxior's life to resurrect him. The Captain opts to take Spixi and exit, but not without clearing Mercer's desk. As a final show of power, Mercer inflicts Feeblemind on Spixi as she departs, only to lift the curse once they are outside, making his point.   Spixi resolves to visit Mystra's temple to converse with the goddess of magic. She pleads for help, torn between choosing her family or her magic. Mystra responds, assuring the gnome wizard that Mercer's words held no deceit and that he harbored no intent to harm them. However, Mystra admits she cannot confirm the safety of Spixi's family as they are beyond her divine vision. When Spixi expresses concern about saving her baby from the phylactery's influence, Mystra gently reminds her that the spell Dispel Magic could be effective. Spixi, feeling overwhelmed, had forgotten the spell and expresses her gratitude to Mystra for her guidance. Together, they conclude that infiltrating the Guildhall to locate the room where Maddox, Kaiber, and Daxior are held is the best course of action.   Returning to the guildhall, the group considers how to infiltrate the building figuring out how to get in since the door. Tehmoathiee managed to crawl in through the window and open the door allowing people in. They stealth through the building to find the individual studies door. They ponder over what the pass phrase could be and start throwing out random words.


"I'm sorry, you can't be in this friend group if you aren't homoerotically erect." - Misty   "Vampires are a race right? So spixi is racist?" - Niklaus   "Well two racisms don't make a right." - Niklaus   "I stab the door." - Captain   "I'm just going to go and jump over the desk and punch him in the face." - Misty     "How do we do that, wha - no - how do we- what do we- how do - how do we do that?" - Misty   *flinging string cheese* "Tear them apart!" - Hannah   "So is blood only coming out from his chest flaps?" - Rae   "uhhhhnnnn im gustin and gushin" - Hannah   "We're working on maddox.. he's currently on the opperating table.." - Chris   "Did you know that not changing your registration address is a class 2 misdimenor felony? Did you know that? BECAUSE I DIDNT WHEN I WENT TO COURT" - Misty   "Why not? He's already got your cummies.... MAKE THAT A QUOTE" - Hannah   "How about I wipe my giant bug cloaca thing on your face." - Valtish   "You make that clitty-kitty purr... oh fuck." - Chase   "Action or no? Okay cool, imma hit him with a potion again." - Jack   "he pumps everything he has into you so it's only fair." - Jack
Report Date
22 Jun 2024