Session 27 Recap

General Summary

On the 9th of Nightal, the party awakens to the sounds of violence. The Captain, Nicklaus, and Daxiris disembark from the ship to inspect the surroundings and find that Bral is engulfed in chaos. Newly escaped prisoners are rampaging through the streets, attacking the citizens who had been hiding. The piercing screams of a young mother echo as a prisoner stabs her with an improvised knife, while her child flees to safety. The Captain acts swiftly, decapitating the assailant before he can react. Tehmoathiee comforts the frightened child, brings her back to the ship, and continues to search for other endangered children. Rae awakens to discover Maddox perched on the club's stairs. Gazing at the city's panic and fear, he shares with Rae his worry that he can no longer safeguard her as he once did. He senses a loss within himself and seeks a new way to prove his worth to Rae. Concerned this indicates an "are they / aren't they" situation, Rae takes Kiera and Lottie to Spixi. Spixi finds Kaiber already caring for Daxior, acknowledging their separate duties. After embracing her, Kaiber escorts Daxior to Tehmoathiee to begin his own tasks. Meanwhile, Spixi joins Laylin, who is unaware of the chaos. They stumble upon numerous prisoners, lifeless with arrows embedded. As another prisoner dashes toward Laylin, arrows strike him down. Suddenly, a towering Bugbear emerges from the shadows behind the girls, introducing himself as Frank, the assassin of assassins.He was arrested on false charges, but Valtish released him, and he now only seeks to kill those who merit death. As he launches an arrow 900 feet, instantly killing a fleeing convict, he justifies his actions. Eventually, the rest catch up and encounter the Fey-born, discovering that Nicklaus played a role in his arrest.    The party decides to go gather a group of respected and powerful individuals on Bral to create a new government and set the city straight. Blythe Thundersoot, Large Luigi, Liz Crunber, Meredin Sandyfoot, and Blastworth are all asked to meet at the Happy Beholder. While the party is split up recruiting people the Space Marshals arrive. Several ships deploy over the city and one Marshal questions Captain and Nicklaus on what is currently happening in the city. The gang all finally gathers to the Happy Beholder where they encounter a Space Marshall Commander, the Eldrich Archfey Nintra Siotta. Frank and Kiera immediately realize they are in the presence of a being capable of ending their soul cycle. As they begin to question their situation, the Unknowable One enters the bar with the half-orc they had previously freed. He reveals that the city is in turmoil because they assassinated Mercer and the Prince, and upon their arrest, they facilitated the escape of all the prisoners. Nintra starts to interrogate the group, but when a zone of truth spell is attempted, Kiera counters with a Counterspell, declaring she has suffered from magical oppression before and refuses to endure it again. Nintra banishes Kiera back to the Feywild and proceeds to ask questions. Eventually they learn Lottie is from the Forgotten Realms and is the one they've been searching for. They charge the Peggers with aiding and hiding her and banish them from Bral until they go to Solaris and start their trial. Kiera is brought back, Rae and Spixi say goodbye to their loved ones, and Lottie is taken back to her home world where her memories will be wiped.    We start next session just outside of Bral on the 9th of Nightal, the ship prepares to head to Kraagstrux to find new gear and resupply.


"you're becoming a twinkie" - Rae   "Stick your fingers in his mouth" - Emmie   "there is never enough asses" - Steph   "Imma go destroy your toilet" - Hannah   "I'm more persuasive than you." - Laylin   "Tit hit?" - Sarah   "There used to be." - Misty   "Are we having a hot dog slongin contest?" - Sarah   "Alright guys get comfortable, we might be here a while." - Rolfe   "The small one has been fertle" - Keira   "You haven't been here, you've been fucking out there sucking cock!" - Rae
Report Date
03 Aug 2024