Session 3 Recap

We find our crew starting off their session with an encounter. Shul of the Emerald Sun, an ancient solar dragon, requests the ship's crew to stow her egg from the clutches of an ancient red dragon and his space pirate crew. The party decides to make a much-needed pit stop on Weirsyll where they sell off 1 ton of elder horror parts to Servian, a local merchant at Sea City. The crew restocks on cannon balls while the groups troublemaker Punkin discovers a disturbing doll, identified by spixi to be the Vessel of Val'mought. A cursed doll that animates at night to remove the tooth of the person sleeping with it. Punkin still purchases it, and decides to try and spend a bit of time with Servian. The date goes south when Punkin goes under the effects of the Caisen Plum and goes on an LSD adventure.    The party, now restocked on munitions, sails straight for Bral with their mission in mind and cargo intact. The ship stops FTL travel notifying the captain something of considerable size is nearby, Rai notices two death kisses approaching. The crew believed something to be up, their size wasn't enough to stop the ships travel speed, but they planned on saving the trouble and dropping a ton of cargo as bait and run. As they were preparing for it, they noticed the real threat, an astral dreadnaught swimming directly up to them to devour the ship. As fast as they could manage the crew sails away safelty avoiding confronting the creature.   The crew briefly encountered a carnival spelljammer captained by Big Bongo, the plasmoid boss, and his space clown ship, the crew quickly decided to never involve themselves with that ship ever again and leave.   Arrival in Bral is with bated breath, a large payload to be received by the crew keeping them on their toes. After earning their pay from Larz Worth and sell all their rare cargo to Blythe Thundersoot, the party had enough gold to pay off their dept on the ship and earn a day off to do as the crew would like.