Session 4 Recap

The members of the Planetary Express were given 4 days of mandatory shore leave. Before they could rest and relax, however, the egg they were tasked with watching from Shul of the Emerald Sun started to hatch. The new, yet to be named wyrmling asked the captain where its mother was before asking to be left in peace and quiet to wait for mom to come for him. Even so the crew struggles to understand the concept of "down time" as they all proceed to go out and work other jobs for extra pocket coins. As the members work their respective jobs they are also met with their mutual friends on Bral and given quests for the crew to tackle.   After some time flirting and mingling at the Happy Beholder, Laylin persuades 3 gentlemen to follow her back for a "walk". She runs into Spixi who decides to join her for the late-night "walk". Lottie decides to start staking out the graveyard job she was given by Squidge. Arriving at the graveyard she went to the freshly dug grave where she was possessed. Coming to, Lottie realizes her weapons, coins, and armor are missing. She lividly returns back to the ship to inform the Captain.    Another day of time off passes, Punkin returns from a night spent in jail. Captain Rolfe takes the crew to watch him participate in an underground duel, his opponent being a honor guard for the Xaryxian Empire was a close match for him but the match was determined by the first to strike. Unfortunately, Rolfe was slain in the battle, Lottie tried to intervene but was taken down by the opponent as a result. Rolfe was brought back to life by Helion and later they had a deep discussion about the differences of their faith.    Lottie introduces Laylin to Squidge while Laylin is looking for information on her sister. "A woman matching your description was last seen here on Bral 2 days ago being loaded up as slave cargo. That ship was last seen heading to Benzinspace to load up supplies." After that Lottie and Laylin went back over to the Graveyard in order to locate her stuff and gather more clues. As a result, Laylin was possessed and made short work of Lottie, knocking her unconscious before the ghost ditched Laylin's body in the open grave.    Valtish finishes his molting and helps the Captain out with a surprise for the crew. A mandatory crew appreciation party. Where Rolfe tells the crew how much each and every one of them mean to him and how thankful he is to have them contractually obligated to work for him. That night while everyone is resting in bed, Laylin snuggling spixi awakes to the ghost hovering above her. The ghost, Moonriver, explains she was the first to arrive to the Rock of Bral long before it was colonized and something disturbed her resting place causing her to awaken. She paired well with Laylin's body and wanted to use it to remove all the people from Bral herself.    When Laylin started hitting the ghost with hard facts it angered her causing a failed attempt at possession. And when Laylin resisted it Moonriver decided to instead possess Spixi and attack Laylin into submission. The rest of the team, except for Helion, quickly arrives on scene where the Ghost is outnumbered and talks with the captain. After negotiations were going nowhere, Helion finishes his 3rd bathroom trip for the night and fear response locks the ghost in a magic circle. The Captain now gets her to agree to going to La'luc by taking control of Laylin's body, who was more than eager to give consent, and find a way to help her. But when the circle was dropped, she tried to control Helion's body but his spirit is far too strong to be controlled by her soul and is burned by the radiant light of the Dawnlord. She submits and the party takes her to the Rakshasa.   Once they arrive at La'luc the seer's place Captain Rolfe has Moonriver exit Laylin's body but to everyones surprise the Rakshasa quickly consumes the soul as many demons would. Treating it like the crew brought him a snack. Rolfe exists in sorrow for his actions and the team follows. Lottie then reclaims her gear alongside other possessions.